Patron # 5711 Patron Name: Chittenden, Ralph Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 244 Date Joined Thursday, February 14th,1901 Patron # 5711
Patron Information Name Ralph Chittenden Nickname Residence 206 East Charles
Guarantor Information Name O.L. Bartlett Residence 1329 E. Main
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year
Additional Info No Listing
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Male Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info no listing

+Transaction History (12)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19010907Saturday, September 7th, 1901View Page1184611846Brant and Red Jacket : including including [!] an account of the early wars of the Six nations, and the border warfare of the revolution.Brant and Red Jacket : including including [!] an account of the early wars of the Six nations, and the border warfare of the revolution.Rudolph Chittenton57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph ChittendenNumber 63 marked before patron name
19010906Friday, September 6th, 1901View Page1188411884Luke Walton : or, The Chicago newsboy.Luke Walton : or, The Chicago newsboy.Ralph Chittenden57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010830Friday, August 30th, 1901View Page1022210222The young salesman.The young salesman.Ralph Chitterdon57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010326Tuesday, March 26th, 1901View Page1185011850Frank on the lower Mississippi.Frank on the lower Mississippi.Ralph Chittenton57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010319Tuesday, March 19th, 1901View Page1185111851Frank before Vicksburg.Frank before Vicksburg.Ralph Chittenton57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010308Friday, March 8th, 1901View Page1025510255Four young explorers, or, Sight-seeing in the tropics.Four young explorers, or, Sight-seeing in the tropics.Ralph Chittenton57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010302Saturday, March 2nd, 1901View Page1056410564Dan of Millbrook : a story of American life.Dan of Millbrook : a story of American life.Ralph Chittenter57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph ChittendenApparently marked as accession #110564 in ledger. Analysis of records reveals it to be accession # 10564 - Dan of Millbrook. 11564 is a gov't document with only 1 prior transaction. Since patron has no prior history of gov't documents, determined to be accession #10564.
19010225Monday, February 25th, 1901View Page1025110251The red mustang : a story of the Mexican border.The red mustang : a story of the Mexican border.Ralph Chittenden57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010222Friday, February 22nd, 1901View Page1188211882The store boy : or The fortunes of Ben Barclay.The store boy : or The fortunes of Ben Barclay.Ralph Chitlander57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010221Thursday, February 21st, 1901View Page1146011460Dan, the newsboy : the story of a boy's life in the streets of New York.Dan, the newsboy : the story of a boy's life in the streets of New York.Ralph Chittingon57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010218Monday, February 18th, 1901View Page1022110221Frank Hunter's peril.Frank Hunter's peril.Ralph Chitenter57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901View Page084318431Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod.Joe Wayring at home, or, The adventures of a fly-rod.Ralph Chittendon57115711Ralph ChittendenRalph Chittenden