Patron # 4949 Patron Name: Genin, Raymond Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 223 Date Joined Saturday, January 7th,1899 Patron # 4949
Patron Information Name Raymond Genin Nickname Residence 607 S. Penn.
Guarantor Information Name Eugene Vatel Residence E. Washington
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address w s Penn, 2 s Seymour Occupation Directory Year 1899
Additional Info
Census Data Name
Background Information Race Sex Male Marital Status # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Year of Birth
Birthplace of Father Birthplace of Mother
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Occupational Rank
Additional Info No listing

+Transaction History (20)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
18990526Friday, May 26th, 1899View Page080428042A class-book of chemistry : in which the latest facts and principles of the science are explained and applied to the arts of life and the phenomena of nature : designed for the use of colleges and schools.A class-book of chemistry : in which the latest facts and principles of the science are explained and applied to the arts of life and the phenomena of nature : designed for the use of colleges and schools.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990519Friday, May 19th, 1899View Page096539653Bernicia.Bernicia.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990509Tuesday, May 9th, 1899View Page098449844Tom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Tom the ready, or, Up from the lowest.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990427Thursday, April 27th, 1899View Page096909690The record of the Sioux : life of Sitting Bull and history of the Indain war of 1890-91 ... story of the Sioux nation; their manners and customs, ghost dances and Messiah craze ...The record of the Sioux : life of Sitting Bull and history of the Indain war of 1890-91 ... story of the Sioux nation; their manners and customs, ghost dances and Messiah craze ...Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990421Friday, April 21st, 1899View Page091659165John Boyd's adventures : merchant sailor, man-of-war's-man, privateersman, pirate, and algerine slave.John Boyd's adventures : merchant sailor, man-of-war's-man, privateersman, pirate, and algerine slave.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990419Wednesday, April 19th, 1899View Page084798479Helping himself, or, Grant Thornton's ambition.Helping himself, or, Grant Thornton's ambition.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990410Monday, April 10th, 1899View Page084268426Tom Newcombe : or, The boy of bad habits.Tom Newcombe : or, The boy of bad habits.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990406Thursday, April 6th, 1899View Page095799579Chumley's post : a story of the Pawnee trail.Chumley's post : a story of the Pawnee trail.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990322Wednesday, March 22nd, 1899View Page011301130Camping out : as recorded by "Kit".Camping out : as recorded by "Kit".Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990320Monday, March 20th, 1899View Page077257725Ben's nugget, or, A boy's search for fortune : a story of the Pacific coast.Ben's nugget, or, A boy's search for fortune : a story of the Pacific coast.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond GeninNumber 81 written next to patron's name
18990303Friday, March 3rd, 1899View Page022542254The poetical works of John Milton.The poetical works of John Milton.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990228Tuesday, February 28th, 1899View Page1056710567Guy Harris, the runaway.Guy Harris, the runaway.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990223Thursday, February 23rd, 1899View Page012591259Stories of the gorilla country.Stories of the gorilla country.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990218Saturday, February 18th, 1899View Page076817681Ninth annual report of the State Board of Health of Indiana for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1890 : to the Governor.Ninth annual report of the State Board of Health of Indiana for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1890 : to the Governor.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page077237723The young adventurer : or, Tom's trip across the plains.The young adventurer : or, Tom's trip across the plains.Ramond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990206Monday, February 6th, 1899View Page077217721Phil, the fiddler : or, The story of a young street musician.Phil, the fiddler : or, The story of a young street musician.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990204Saturday, February 4th, 1899View Page077307730Rough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Rough and ready, or, Life among the New York newsboys.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990124Tuesday, January 24th, 1899View Page012411241Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government, in the years 1849-1855.Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa : being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government, in the years 1849-1855.Raymong Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page084498449Strong and steady : or, Paddle your own canoe.Strong and steady : or, Paddle your own canoe.Raymond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin
18990107Saturday, January 7th, 1899View Page00615615The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green.The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green.Ramond Genin49494949Raymond GeninRaymond Genin