Patron # 5030 Patron Name: Malone, Elizabeth Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 225 Date Joined Saturday, February 25th,1899 Patron # 5030
Patron Information Name Elizabeth Malone Nickname Residence 1103 E. Adams
Guarantor Information Name G.L. [?] Residence 712 E. Jackson
Relationship to patron
Additional Info

+Supplemental Data

City Directory Name Address Occupation Directory Year 1899
Additional Info ladies' Hair-Dressing Parlors and mnfr of Hair Goods
Census Data Name
Background Information Race White Sex Female Marital Status Single # Years Married
Origin Info Birthplace Indiana Year of Birth 1875
Birthplace of Father Ireland Birthplace of Mother Ireland
Naturalization Status Year of Immigration
Residence Info Residential Status R H (rented house) # Boarders # Servants
Occupation Info Occupation hair dresser
Occupation Note
Occupation Group Blue Collar Occupational Rank Semi-Skilled/Service Worker
Additional Info HOH Sarah Malone no occupation listed

+Transaction History (34)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020920Saturday, September 20th, 1902View Page00835835The house of the seven gables : a romance.The house of the seven gables : a romance.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010312Tuesday, March 12th, 1901View Page1192711927Thinking, feeling, doing.Thinking, feeling, doing.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010227Wednesday, February 27th, 1901View Page1080910809The gray house of the quarries.The gray house of the quarries.E Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010213Wednesday, February 13th, 1901View Page1080910809The gray house of the quarries.The gray house of the quarries.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010130Wednesday, January 30th, 1901View Page023742374Ivanhoe : a romance.Ivanhoe : a romance.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010116Wednesday, January 16th, 1901View Page023742374Ivanhoe : a romance.Ivanhoe : a romance.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19010112Saturday, January 12th, 1901View Page1031110311The choir invisible.The choir invisible.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001229Saturday, December 29th, 1900View Page1031110311The choir invisible.The choir invisible.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001215Saturday, December 15th, 1900View Page1187311873Young maids and old.Young maids and old.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001201Saturday, December 1st, 1900View Page1190011900Sweepers of the sea : the story of a strange navy.Sweepers of the sea : the story of a strange navy.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001117Saturday, November 17th, 1900View Page085968596The dove in the eagle's nest.The dove in the eagle's nest.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001103Saturday, November 3rd, 1900View Page1218212182Sons of the morningSons of the morningElizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001027Saturday, October 27th, 1900View Page1206912069The revolt of a daughter.The revolt of a daughter.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19001020Saturday, October 20th, 1900View Page1041510415The parson's proxy.The parson's proxy.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000705Thursday, July 5th, 1900View Page1022010220The cruise of the Canoe club.The cruise of the Canoe club.George Julian50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000511Friday, May 11th, 1900View Page1135211352Richard Carvel.Richard Carvel.Mrs. Carroll50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone(E. Morton) written after patrons name
19000413Friday, April 13th, 1900View Page1135211352Richard Carvel.Richard Carvel.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900View Page1104211042Ramona : a story.Ramona : a story.Eliz Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000319Monday, March 19th, 1900View Page1027510275The Princess Aline.The Princess Aline.Virginia Vorhees50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900View Page1104211042Ramona : a story.Ramona : a story.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000303Saturday, March 3rd, 1900View Page1026110261A Kentucky cardinal : a story.A Kentucky cardinal : a story.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth MaloneNumber 98 marked after patron's name
19000203Saturday, February 3rd, 1900View Page1142011420The phantom future : a novel.The phantom future : a novel.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000120Saturday, January 20th, 1900View Page1108111081An unwilling maid : being the history of certain episodes during the American revolution in the early life of Mistress Betty Yorke, born Wolcott.An unwilling maid : being the history of certain episodes during the American revolution in the early life of Mistress Betty Yorke, born Wolcott.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000106Saturday, January 6th, 1900View Page098109810The first violin.The first violin.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
19000104Thursday, January 4th, 1900View Page090369036Marked "personal".Marked "personal".Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991229Friday, December 29th, 1899View Page076927692St. Elmo : a novel.St. Elmo : a novel.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991216Saturday, December 16th, 1899View Page1027910279The cliff-dwellers : a novel.The cliff-dwellers : a novel.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991202Saturday, December 2nd, 1899View Page025312531Observations in the East : chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor.Observations in the East : chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991118Saturday, November 18th, 1899View Page025312531Observations in the East : chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor.Observations in the East : chiefly in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Asia Minor.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991104Saturday, November 4th, 1899View Page083958395Mistress and maid : a household story.Mistress and maid : a household story.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18991021Saturday, October 21st, 1899View Page065946594Felix Holt, the radical.Felix Holt, the radical.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18990630Friday, June 30th, 1899View Page1043310433An army wife.An army wife.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899View Page00833833Twice-told tales.Twice-told tales.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone
18990225Saturday, February 25th, 1899View Page095859585An errant wooing.An errant wooing.Elizabeth Malone50305030Elizabeth MaloneElizabeth Malone