Accession # 1697 Title: Congressional Glove Author: John C. Rives Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 45
Accession # 1697
Accession Date Standardized Date: Saturday, March 13th, 1875
Written Text: March 13th, 1875
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: John C. Rives
Title: Congressional Glove
Where Published: Washington, D.C. Publisher: When Published: 1869 # Vols: 1 Size: 4 # Pages: 808 Binding Type: Half Sheet
Of Whom Procured: D. County Library Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Withdrawn, trans. to doc. collection; no date indicated in ledger.

+Book Record

Author United States. Congress. Pen Name:
Contributors: Rives, John C. (John Cook), 1795-1864.
Title: The congressional globe.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Washington, D.C.
Additional Info: Continued by : Congressional record. Editor, John C. Rives.

+Transaction History (25)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021013Monday, October 13th, 1902View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Geo R. Young34213421George YoungGeorge Young
19001110Saturday, November 10th, 1900View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.A. H. Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin
19001027Saturday, October 27th, 1900View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.A. H. Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin
18990202Thursday, February 2nd, 1899View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.George Addington38133813George AddingtonGeorge Addington
18990120Friday, January 20th, 1899View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.M. Rutledge49474947W RutledgeW Rutledge
18980820Saturday, August 20th, 1898View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Mrs. Chas Kilgore43444344Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore
18980620Monday, June 20th, 1898View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Lowell Millett38853885Jennie RappJennie Rapp
18980528Saturday, May 28th, 1898View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Frank Riegle24842484Frak RiegleFrak Riegle
18980514Saturday, May 14th, 1898View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Kate Kusick30383038Kate KusickKate Kusick
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Claude Reasoner35563556Claude ReasonerClaude Reasonernumber 39 marked next to patron's name
18970824Tuesday, August 24th, 1897View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Mrs. Hattie Everett37553755Hattie E. EverettHattie E. Everett
18951226Thursday, December 26th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Cyrus Lyner40604060Mrs. C. TynerMrs. C. Tynerfixed borrower's name (orig. "Tyner")
18951216Monday, December 16th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Mr Oscar Black40564056Oscar BlackOscar Black
18951202Monday, December 2nd, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Mrs Chas Kilgore43444344Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore
18951115Friday, November 15th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Merton Hamilton29332933Merton HamiltonMerton Hamilton
18950828Wednesday, August 28th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Elmer E. Sutton32033203Elmer E. SuttonElmer E. Sutton
18950426Friday, April 26th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Charles Casterline31623162Charles CasterlineCharles Casterline
18950312Tuesday, March 12th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Clayton Reid008080Clayton ReidClayton Reid
18950225Monday, February 25th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Clayton Reid008080Clayton ReidClayton Reid
18950209Saturday, February 9th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Andrew Davis29572957George BurtGeorge Burt
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Clarence G Bayden0266266Mrs. W. J. BoydenMrs. W. J. Boyden
18941231Monday, December 31st, 1894View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Clarence Bayden0266266Mrs. W. J. BoydenMrs. W. J. Boyden
18911201Tuesday, December 1st, 1891View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Louis Hurst21872187Lewis HurstLewis Hurst
18911125Wednesday, November 25th, 1891View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Wilbur Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton
18911112Thursday, November 12th, 1891View Page016971697The congressional globe.The congressional globe.Wilbur Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton