Accession # 8474 Title: Five Little Peppers Grown Up Author: Marg't Sidney Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 163
Accession # 8474
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, October 19th, 1892
Written Text: Oct 19 1892
Discard Date Standardized Date: Friday, September 1st, 1905
Written Text: Sept 1905
Book Information Author: Marg't Sidney
Title: Five Little Peppers Grown Up
Where Published: Boston Publisher: When Published: # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 527 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Sidney, Margaret, 1844-1924. Pen Name:
Title: Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Boston, MA
Additional Info: Summary: As the Five Little Peppers grow up, Polly Pepper finds romance
while giving piano lessons to help support the family.

+Transaction History (113)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Joseph M. Jacobs56825682Jas. M. JacobsJas. M. Jacobs70 written after patron's name
19020929Monday, September 29th, 1902View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Grace Cartwright61286128Grace CartwrightGrace Cartwright
19010806Tuesday, August 6th, 1901View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ethel Knapp44354435Ethel KnappEthel Knapp
19010701Monday, July 1st, 1901View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Grace Powers51555155Grace PowersGrace Powers
19010614Friday, June 14th, 1901View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Della Newman49134913Della NewmanDella Newmanfixed patron number (orig. 4912)
19010529Wednesday, May 29th, 1901View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ethel Gilmore57435743Ethel GilmoreEthel Gilmore
19010228Thursday, February 28th, 1901View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Stuart Kerr56995699Stuart KerrStuart Kerr
19001027Saturday, October 27th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Fred Cecil43384338Fred CecilFred Cecil
19001022Monday, October 22nd, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Pearl Hoover55675567Pearl HooverPearl Hoover
19000919Wednesday, September 19th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Harry Meyers55185518Mrs. Harry MeyersMrs. Harry Meyers
19000904Tuesday, September 4th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Fred Shidler29252925Fred W. ShidelerFred W. Shideler
19000829Wednesday, August 29th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mamie Postma51635163Mamie PostmaMamie Postma
19000820Monday, August 20th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Della Newman49134913Della NewmanDella Newmanfixed patron number (orig. 4912)
19000731Tuesday, July 31st, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Marion Meeker52945294Marion MeekerMarion Meeker
19000720Friday, July 20th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Carl Proctor54605460Carl ProctorCarl Proctor
19000706Friday, July 6th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Jessie Hathaway52575257Jessie HathawayJessie Hathaway
19000608Friday, June 8th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Mary Keller39543954May KellerMay Keller
19000528Monday, May 28th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Joseph Shaffer0794794Joseph StifflerJoseph Stiffler
19000514Monday, May 14th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Zella Martin53725372Zella MartinZella Martin
19000425Wednesday, April 25th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Josie Christenson49764976Josie ChristensenJosie Christensen
19000414Saturday, April 14th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Reba Hoover54025402Reba HooverReba Hoover
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Lizzie Minnick53135313Mrs. Lizzie MinnickMrs. Lizzie Minnick
19000303Saturday, March 3rd, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs B L Hollister51975197Mrs. B. L. HollinderMrs. B. L. Hollinder
19000205Monday, February 5th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.George Postma51835183George PostmaGeorge Postma
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Iva Cecil43384338Fred CecilFred Cecil
19000102Tuesday, January 2nd, 1900View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Lois L Durham50625062Lois L. DurhamLois L. Durham
18991212Tuesday, December 12th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Harry Greer35323532Evelyn ParkerEvelyn Parker
18991128Tuesday, November 28th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Jeannette Egenbach51535153Jeannette EngelbachJeannette Engelbach
18991117Friday, November 17th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Jeanette Engelbach51535153Jeannette EngelbachJeannette Engelbach
18991031Tuesday, October 31st, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mable Perdino52205220Mabel PerdieuMabel Perdieu
18991021Saturday, October 21st, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Karl Cecil51995199Karl CecilKarl Cecil
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Hattie Gray49234923Mrs. J. J. DowMrs. J. J. Dow
18990720Thursday, July 20th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mable Hall36563656Mabel HallMabel Hall
18990603Saturday, June 3rd, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. India Cecil37113711India A. CecilIndia A. Cecil
18990415Saturday, April 15th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Macy E. Bain48424842Mary E. BainMary E. Bain
18990329Wednesday, March 29th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Maude Simmons47914791Maude SimmonsMaude Simmons
18990225Saturday, February 25th, 1899View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Minnie Pershing24782478Minnie PershingMinnie Pershing
18981210Saturday, December 10th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Maude Maldegan38713871Maude MaldeganMaude Maldegan
18981116Wednesday, November 16th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Charles Moore14471447Lizzie HainesLizzie Haines
18981020Thursday, October 20th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Walter Bowman27402740Walter T. BowmanWalter T. Bowman
18980928Wednesday, September 28th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Earl Lake47744774Earl LakeEarl Lake
18980923Friday, September 23rd, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.M H Gordon37533753M. H. GordonM. H. Gordon
18980915Thursday, September 15th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Claude Cramer36393639Claude CramerClaude Cramer
18980906Tuesday, September 6th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Maude Simmons47914791Maude SimmonsMaude Simmons
18980823Tuesday, August 23rd, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ronth Winters33893389Ruth WintersRuth Winters
18980816Tuesday, August 16th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Psych Hoover39933993Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover
18980806Saturday, August 6th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mary Caldwell34103410Miss. May CaldwellMiss. May Caldwell
18980730Saturday, July 30th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Valing Payton39353935C. E. BurnettC. E. Burnett
18980725Monday, July 25th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Carrie Mann36843684Carrie MannCarrie Mann
18980709Saturday, July 9th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Ed Hoffer37123712Mrs. Ed HofferMrs. Ed Hoffer
18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mary Wysor37633763Mary WysorMary Wysor
18980624Friday, June 24th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Leo Medsker47404740Mrs. Leo MedskerMrs. Leo Medsker
18980604Saturday, June 4th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Sarah Cohen33763376Bessie CohenBessie Cohen
18980528Saturday, May 28th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mary Wysor37633763Mary WysorMary Wysor
18980516Monday, May 16th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Gula Gamble39973997Gula GambleGula Gamble
18980408Friday, April 8th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. W H Sumption32063206Mrs. W H SumptionMrs. W H Sumption
18980319Saturday, March 19th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs J. E. Durham26102610Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham
18980312Saturday, March 12th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Carrie Cohn37423742Carrie CohnCarrie Cohn
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mable Morrow37043704Mabel MorrowMabel Morrow
18980209Wednesday, February 9th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Herman Bowles0752752Lena BowlesLena Bowles
18980127Thursday, January 27th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mamie Postma38743874Mamie H PostmaMamie H Postma
18980111Tuesday, January 11th, 1898View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Edith McCrea28402840Edith McCreaEdith McCrea
18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ms Dr Green40434043Mrs. Dr. GreenMrs. Dr. Green
18971124Wednesday, November 24th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ms Walter Ellis45444544Mrs. W H EllisMrs. W H Ellis
18971106Saturday, November 6th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
18971011Monday, October 11th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Anna Goddard10571057Gracie GoddardGracie Goddard
18970907Tuesday, September 7th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ruth Best34843484Ruth BestRuth Best
18970821Saturday, August 21st, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.M. B. Campbell31813181M. B. CampbellM. B. Campbell
18970721Wednesday, July 21st, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Sarah Wysor34633463Sara WysorSara Wysor
18970712Monday, July 12th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs E H Thompson32283228Mrs. E. H. ThompsonMrs. E. H. Thompson
18970529Saturday, May 29th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Gertie Foreman34683468Gertie FoormanGertie Foorman
18970508Saturday, May 8th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Nora Eades35983598Nora EadsNora Eads
18970424Saturday, April 24th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Lillian Gibson32493249Lillian GibsonLillian Gibson
18970409Friday, April 9th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Ella Starr46774677Mrs. Ella StarrMrs. Ella Starr
18970309Tuesday, March 9th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Willie Carey33843384Willie CareyWillie Carey
18970301Monday, March 1st, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Maynard Hilling35193519Margaret H. HillingMargaret H. Hilling
18970215Monday, February 15th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Margaret Hilling35193519Margaret H. HillingMargaret H. Hilling
18970203Wednesday, February 3rd, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mable Riyle35163516Mrs. L. NicelyMrs. L. Nicely
18970130Saturday, January 30th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. Alice Vickery40314031Mrs. Alice VickeryMrs. Alice Vickeryfixed borrower's name (orig. "Vickey")
18970109Saturday, January 9th, 1897View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Austin C. Case20632063Arthur CaseArthur Case"67" written after and slightly above patron last name.
18961212Saturday, December 12th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs J. F. Hall45464546Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall
18960818Tuesday, August 18th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Merle Sprading34853485Myrtle SpradlingMyrtle Spradlingpatron ID of Myrtle Sprading
18960811Tuesday, August 11th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Helen Shideler32253225Helen ShidelerHelen Shideler
18960803Monday, August 3rd, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Daisy Richards34743474Daisy RichardsDaisy Richards
18960716Thursday, July 16th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs H Reynolds32013201Mrs. H. ReynoldsMrs. H. Reynolds
18960707Tuesday, July 7th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Louise Dixon34553455Miss. Louisa DixonMiss. Louisa Dixon
18960619Friday, June 19th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mary B. Craig33863386Mary CraigMary Craig
18960615Monday, June 15th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Clarence Perkins46444644Clarence PerkinsClarence Perkins
18960424Friday, April 24th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Rosa Burmaster31873187Walter W. SotherlandWalter W. Sotherland
18960316Monday, March 16th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mable Meeker32653265Mabel MeckerMabel Mecker
18960208Saturday, February 8th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Edith Shafer44504450Edith ShaferEdith Shafer
18960120Monday, January 20th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Mary Warner27022702Susan CecilSusan Cecil
18960106Monday, January 6th, 1896View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs May Warner27022702Susan CecilSusan CecilPatron ID of Susan Cecil
18951223Monday, December 23rd, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Esther Busch33033303Esther K BuschEsther K Busch
18951130Saturday, November 30th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Austin Spence44444444Austia SpenceAustia Spence
18951122Friday, November 22nd, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Erma Personett31323132Erma PersonettErma Personett
18951107Thursday, November 7th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Bertha Smith31763176Forest MorehartForest Morehart
18951004Friday, October 4th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Bessie Hines45424542Bessie HinesBessie Hinesfixed patron number (orig. 4543)
18950909Monday, September 9th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Atlanta Carey45954595Alonzo CareyAlonzo Carey
18950802Friday, August 2nd, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Nellie Gallivan31463146Nellie GallivanNellie Gallivan
18950720Saturday, July 20th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Amie Shaw29172917Amie ShawAmie Shaw
18950713Saturday, July 13th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Allie Carpenter0960960Allie ErvinAllie Ervin
18950624Monday, June 24th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Maggie Driscoll28782878Clyde LeagerClyde Leager
18950603Monday, June 3rd, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Fred Long0262262Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon
18950408Monday, April 8th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Edna Smith43144314Edna SmithEdna Smith
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Willie Gollivan31463146Nellie GallivanNellie Gallivan
18950316Saturday, March 16th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Cora W. Lingle42394239Mrs. Cora B. LingleMrs. Cora B. Lingle
18950226Tuesday, February 26th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs H. E. Maggs46264626Mrs. H. E. MaggsMrs. H. E. Maggs
18950212Tuesday, February 12th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs. H E Maggs46264626Mrs. H. E. MaggsMrs. H. E. Maggs
18950204Monday, February 4th, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Dottie Fonsher46604660Dottie FonsherDottie Fonsher
18950121Monday, January 21st, 1895View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Charles Kilgore43444344Mrs. Chas. KilgoreMrs. Chas. Kilgore
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Mrs Phila S. Ridgley41484148Phila S. RidgleyPhila S. Ridgleyfixed borrower's name (orig. Ridgely)
18941120Tuesday, November 20th, 1894View Page084748474Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Five Little Peppers grown up : a sequel to Five Little Peppers midway.Ida Phillips45844584Ida PhillipsIda Phillips