19000305Monday, March 5th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Earl Wmson | 46794679 | Earl WilliamsonEarl Williamson | |
19000219Monday, February 19th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | James Bailey | 45174517 | James BaileyJames Bailey | fixed borrower's name (orig. Bayley) |
19000213Tuesday, February 13th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Herschel Canan | 52535253 | Herschel CananHerschel Canan | |
19000126Friday, January 26th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Raymond Rahrborn | 48664866 | R. RahrbornR. Rahrborn | |
19000123Tuesday, January 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Aug Maick | 32113211 | Mrs. Aug. MaickMrs. Aug. Maick | |
19000117Wednesday, January 17th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Raymond Potter | 50225022 | Raymond PotterRaymond Potter | |
19000115Monday, January 15th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Marion Meeker | 52945294 | Marion MeekerMarion Meeker | |
19000104Thursday, January 4th, 1900 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Bertie Wmson | 40024002 | Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson | |
18991219Tuesday, December 19th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Gifford Tweedy | 39183918 | Gifford TweedyGifford Tweedy | |
18991214Thursday, December 14th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ross Ault | 34903490 | Ross AultRoss Ault | |
18991205Tuesday, December 5th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Will Crawford | 28122812 | Willie CrawfordWillie Crawford | |
18991110Friday, November 10th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Frank Glass | 38313831 | Frank GlassFrank Glass | |
18991102Thursday, November 2nd, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie Conner | 47264726 | Willie ConnerWillie Conner | |
18991023Monday, October 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Paul Blair | 37763776 | Paul BlairPaul Blair | |
18991010Tuesday, October 10th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Leonard Leslie | 49794979 | Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie | |
18991007Saturday, October 7th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Austin Claypool | 36893689 | Charles ReeceCharles Reece | |
18990926Tuesday, September 26th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Everett Naftzger | 37193719 | Ernest NaftzgerErnest Naftzger | |
18990904Monday, September 4th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Austin Kerin | 47364736 | Austin KerinAustin Kerin | |
18990901Friday, September 1st, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. Hattie Gray | 49234923 | Mrs. J. J. DowMrs. J. J. Dow | |
18990825Friday, August 25th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charlie Hoover | 49924992 | Charlie HooverCharlie Hoover | |
18990810Thursday, August 10th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
18990728Friday, July 28th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. J. H. Rawlings | 47294729 | Mrs. J. H. RawlingsMrs. J. H. Rawlings | |
18990708Saturday, July 8th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Peter Herbert | 38793879 | Peter HerbertPeter Herbert | |
18990628Wednesday, June 28th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ernest Dungan | 47094709 | Ernest DunganErnest Dungan | #SYSTEM ADMIN NOTE#
Based on interpretation of markings on entry at top of L13 P176, could also be transaction date of 1899-06-26ΒΆ |
18990614Wednesday, June 14th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Harry Ritter | 50285028 | Harry RitterHarry Ritter | |
18990429Saturday, April 29th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Vier Max | 33703370 | Viere MaxViere Max | |
18990328Tuesday, March 28th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | G.P. Hayworth | 0502502 | G. P. HayworthG. P. Hayworth | |
18990321Tuesday, March 21st, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie Jones | 37383738 | Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes | Patron ID of Pearl Barnes |
18990318Saturday, March 18th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Wm Brouse | 48474847 | William BrouseWilliam Brouse | |
18990220Monday, February 20th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie McDonald | 39413941 | Willie McDowellWillie McDowell | |
18990123Monday, January 23rd, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Wm Maldegan | 48794879 | Willie MaldeganWillie Maldegan | |
18990119Thursday, January 19th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs L. Herrmann | 43124312 | Mrs. L. HerrmannMrs. L. Herrmann | |
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Anna Hamilton | 47424742 | Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton | |
18990113Friday, January 13th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ray Kleckner | 48084808 | Ray KlecknerRay Kleckner | |
18990104Wednesday, January 4th, 1899 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Ada Shuttleworth | 18971897 | Ada ShuttleworthAda Shuttleworth | fixed patron number (orig. 1579) |
18981227Tuesday, December 27th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Marx Holt | 49204920 | Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt | fixed patron number (orig. 4720) |
18981210Saturday, December 10th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ray Kleckner | 48084808 | Ray KlecknerRay Kleckner | |
18981125Friday, November 25th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Martha Carver | 42884288 | Mrs. Martha CarverMrs. Martha Carver | |
18981121Monday, November 21st, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Earl Lake | 47744774 | Earl LakeEarl Lake | |
18981114Monday, November 14th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs L.L. Turner | 44114411 | Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner | |
18981108Tuesday, November 8th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie Poland | 37253725 | Willie PolandWillie Poland | |
18981101Tuesday, November 1st, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charlie Wood | 38343834 | Charles WoodCharles Wood | |
18981026Wednesday, October 26th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ross Dowden | 38973897 | Ross DowdenRoss Dowden | |
18981007Friday, October 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Maggie Osborne | 21012101 | Maggie GessellMaggie Gessell | |
18980910Saturday, September 10th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Gomer Cochran | 36763676 | Gomer CochranGomer Cochran | |
18980901Thursday, September 1st, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mable Stewart | 33733373 | Mabel StewartMabel Stewart | |
18980818Thursday, August 18th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. J. H. Crenshaw | 31783178 | Mrs. J. V. CrenshawMrs. J. V. Crenshaw | |
18980804Thursday, August 4th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Prof. T. H. Johnson | 28502850 | Theo. H. JohnsonTheo. H. Johnson | |
18980719Tuesday, July 19th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Joe McDonald | 38373837 | Joe McDonaldJoe McDonald | |
18980707Thursday, July 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Hazel Budd | 35863586 | Hazel BuddHazel Budd | |
18980623Thursday, June 23rd, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | |
18980613Monday, June 13th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. H Reynolds | 32013201 | Mrs. H. ReynoldsMrs. H. Reynolds | |
18980601Wednesday, June 1st, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Wallace Ballard | 32823282 | W BallardW Ballard | |
18980519Thursday, May 19th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ralph Brown | 32913291 | Ralph BrownRalph Brown | |
18980516Monday, May 16th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ernest Davis | 37083708 | Estella ClarkEstella Clark | |
18980506Friday, May 6th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Wallace Ballard | 32823282 | W BallardW Ballard | number 50 marked next to patron's name |
18980328Monday, March 28th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Arthur Walling | 38963896 | Arthur WallingArthur Walling | |
18980222Tuesday, February 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Albert Brease | 38663866 | Albert Carver BreeseAlbert Carver Breese | |
18980216Wednesday, February 16th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ralph Jackson | 37883788 | Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson | |
18980214Monday, February 14th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mable Lockwood | 40524052 | Mable LockwoodMable Lockwood | |
18980207Monday, February 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | D. F. Lane | 34003400 | D. F. LaneD. F. Lane | |
18980203Thursday, February 3rd, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charlie Taylor | 38833883 | Charley TaylorCharley Taylor | |
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Otto Miller | 33363336 | Miss. Beulah McElfreshMiss. Beulah McElfresh | |
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Volney Payton | 39353935 | C. E. BurnettC. E. Burnett | |
18971228Tuesday, December 28th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charles McAllister | 36513651 | Clyde McAllisterClyde McAllister | |
18971209Thursday, December 9th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Harry Guthrie | 32703270 | Harry GuthrieHarry Guthrie | |
18971123Tuesday, November 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Clell Thornburg | 47184718 | Clell ThornburgClell Thornburg | |
18971015Friday, October 15th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Clarence Greely | 40754075 | Clarence GreelyClarence Greely | |
18971004Monday, October 4th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charles Reece | 36893689 | Charles ReeceCharles Reece | |
18970928Tuesday, September 28th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Gertie Foreman | 34683468 | Gertie FoormanGertie Foorman | |
18970903Friday, September 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Rainard Robbins | 37133713 | Rainard RobbinsRainard Robbins | |
18970827Friday, August 27th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Herman Ault | 34873487 | Harry AultHarry Ault | |
18970825Wednesday, August 25th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Frank Bayless | 33683368 | Frank BaylessFrank Bayless | "+" marked next to patron name |
18970818Wednesday, August 18th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Oscar Weaver | 35173517 | Mrs. Maggie EmersonMrs. Maggie Emerson | Patron ID of Maggie Emerson |
18970814Saturday, August 14th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Fred Fisher | 34573457 | Fred FisherFred Fisher | |
18970810Tuesday, August 10th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie Jones | 37383738 | Pearl BarnesPearl Barnes | Patron ID of Pearl Barnes |
18970807Saturday, August 7th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Everett Boor | 45084508 | Everett BoorEverett Boor | |
18970721Wednesday, July 21st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Paul White | 37243724 | Paul WhitePaul White | |
18970702Friday, July 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Austia Spence | 44444444 | Austia SpenceAustia Spence | |
18970701Thursday, July 1st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Sarah Wysor | 34633463 | Sara WysorSara Wysor | |
18970621Monday, June 21st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Jennie Boomer | 42944294 | Mrs. Jennie EvansMrs. Jennie Evans | |
18970614Monday, June 14th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Willie W R Snyder | 34803480 | Willie NaneyWillie Naney | |
18970519Wednesday, May 19th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Claude Cramer | 36393639 | Claude CramerClaude Cramer | |
18970501Saturday, May 1st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | J H Hurst | 36093609 | J. H. HurstJ. H. Hurst | |
18970414Wednesday, April 14th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Clyde Pfleger | 35883588 | Clyde PfleegerClyde Pfleeger | |
18970403Saturday, April 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Oscar Weaver | 35173517 | Mrs. Maggie EmersonMrs. Maggie Emerson | |
18970327Saturday, March 27th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Otto Miller | 33233323 | Otto MillerOtto Miller | |
18970320Saturday, March 20th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Geo W Robinson | 35933593 | Willie RobinsonWillie Robinson | |
18970313Saturday, March 13th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. E. K. Kurchman | 0981981 | E. K. KuechmannE. K. Kuechmann | |
18970310Wednesday, March 10th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. C. H. Church | 30373037 | Mrs. C. H. ChurchMrs. C. H. Church | |
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Robt. Mock | 42314231 | Robert MockRobert Mock | |
18970301Monday, March 1st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | George Eagan | 42084208 | George EaganGeorge Eagan | |
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Guy Tweedy | 33083308 | Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy | |
18970224Wednesday, February 24th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Marion Welch | 33823382 | Marion WelchMarion Welch | |
18970220Saturday, February 20th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Newton Peterson | 35783578 | Newton PetersonNewton Peterson | |
18970215Monday, February 15th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Lester Greely | 34183418 | Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely | |
18970208Monday, February 8th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Arthur Richards | 34523452 | Arthur J. RichardsArthur J. Richards | |
18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Clyde Leoger | 28782878 | Clyde LeagerClyde Leager | |
18970121Thursday, January 21st, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Chas Beardsly | 12011201 | Charles BeardslyCharles Beardsly | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Beardsley") |
18970113Wednesday, January 13th, 1897 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Nora Gaffney | 34293429 | [...] Gaffney[...] Gaffney | |
18960925Friday, September 25th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Julius Scohy | 35213521 | Julius ScohyJulius Scohy | |
18960914Monday, September 14th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Warren Sample | 33903390 | Warren SampleWarren Sample | |
18960911Friday, September 11th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Walter Heffner | 33133313 | Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner | |
18960901Tuesday, September 1st, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Maude Case | 27162716 | Maude CaseMaude Case | |
18960817Monday, August 17th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | George Sutton | 31153115 | Mrs. Mary NealMrs. Mary Neal | patron ID of Mary Neal |
18960813Thursday, August 13th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Ritta Weaver | 45784578 | Miss. Nellie WeaverMiss. Nellie Weaver | patron ID of Nellie Weaver |
18960807Friday, August 7th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Louise Wilson | 33553355 | Louise WilsonLouise Wilson | |
18960730Thursday, July 30th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Louis Iceman | 32093209 | Louis IcermanLouis Icerman | |
18960722Wednesday, July 22nd, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18960721Tuesday, July 21st, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Clifford Langdon | 32133213 | Clifford LangdonClifford Langdon | |
18960716Thursday, July 16th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Micheal Casey | 31133113 | J Micheal CaseyJ Micheal Casey | |
18960713Monday, July 13th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Garfield Olin | 43034303 | Garfield OlinGarfield Olin | |
18960602Tuesday, June 2nd, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Jay Bullard | 46004600 | Jay BullardJay Bullard | |
18960512Tuesday, May 12th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charlie Stucky | 30483048 | Chas. StuckyChas. Stucky | |
18960428Tuesday, April 28th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs G.M. Bard | 41824182 | Helen Norwood BardHelen Norwood Bard | |
18960424Friday, April 24th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Harry Ward | 44154415 | Harry WardHarry Ward | |
18960414Tuesday, April 14th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Rob Knowlton | 0715715 | Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton | |
18960401Wednesday, April 1st, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Arland Davis | 31683168 | Orland DavisOrland Davis | |
18960323Monday, March 23rd, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ruby Perkins | 25632563 | Ruby PerkinsRuby Perkins | |
18960312Thursday, March 12th, 1896 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Harry Keltner | 42244224 | Harry KeltnerHarry Keltner | |
18950713Saturday, July 13th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Jeannie Smith | 11661166 | Jeannie W SmithJeannie W Smith | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Jennie") |
18950615Saturday, June 15th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Wilbur Personett | 31333133 | Wilbur PersonettWilbur Personett | |
18950606Thursday, June 6th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs. Jas Ross | 31163116 | Mrs. Jas. RossMrs. Jas. Ross | |
18950525Saturday, May 25th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | John Banta | 31583158 | John BantaJohn Banta | |
18950429Monday, April 29th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Edna Smith | 43144314 | Edna SmithEdna Smith | "45" written after patron's name |
18950412Friday, April 12th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charles Stough | 45524552 | Charlie StoughCharlie Stough | "21" written after patron's name |
18950329Friday, March 29th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Loretta Sherman | 23302330 | Coreta ShumanCoreta Shuman | |
18950323Saturday, March 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Lonnie Bragg | 46944694 | Lonnie BraggLonnie Bragg | |
18950312Tuesday, March 12th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Louisa Koerner | 24712471 | Louisa KoernerLouisa Koerner | "(73)" written after patron name. |
18950309Saturday, March 9th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Bertie Wmson | 40024002 | Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson | Pages 88-89 are out of order; according to dates (March 7-8) they should be the last pages in ledger, but were written by librarian upside down in middle of ledger, between January 8-9. Librarian did mark "Last Page" at top of page 88. |
18950225Monday, February 25th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mr Charles Higgins | 45854585 | Mrs. Charles HigginsMrs. Charles Higgins | |
18950219Tuesday, February 19th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Arthur Dungan | 31003100 | Arthur DunganArthur Dungan | |
18950218Monday, February 18th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Bessie Bunch | 42704270 | Bessie G. BunchBessie G. Bunch | fixed borrower's name (orig. Burch) |
18950214Thursday, February 14th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Jessie Ford | 26742674 | Jessie FordJessie Ford | |
18950211Monday, February 11th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Ray Palmer | 45344534 | Roy PalmerRoy Palmer | |
18950129Tuesday, January 29th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs G. W. Shepp | 41914191 | Mrs. G. W. SheppMrs. G. W. Shepp | fixed borrower's name (orig. Shipp) |
18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Mrs Minnie Higgins | 46484648 | Mrs. Minnie HigginsMrs. Minnie Higgins | |
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Earl Tuhey | 42534253 | Earl TuheyEarl Tuhey | |
18950104Friday, January 4th, 1895 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Arthur G Masters | 46634663 | Arthur D MastersArthur D Masters | |
18941224Monday, December 24th, 1894 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Norman Boomer | 43174317 | Norman BoomerNorman Boomer | |
18941221Friday, December 21st, 1894 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Nellie Ingleton | 28032803 | Nellie SingletonNellie Singleton | |
18941211Tuesday, December 11th, 1894 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Everett Boor | 45084508 | Everett BoorEverett Boor | fixed patron number (orig. 4588) |
18941208Saturday, December 8th, 1894 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Charles M Streeter | 44264426 | Chas. M. StreeterChas. M. Streeter | fixed borrower's name (orig. Shruter) |
18941109Friday, November 9th, 1894 | View Page | 083788378 | A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure.A chance for himself, or, Jack Hazard and his treasure. | Harry Orr | 40474047 | Harry OrrHarry Orr | |