Accession # 12927 Title: The manxman Author: Caine, Hall Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 2 Page # 29
Accession # 12927
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, July 18th, 1901
Written Text: July 18 1901
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Caine, Hall
Title: The manxman
Where Published: N. York Publisher: D. Appleton & Co. When Published: 1895 # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 529 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: George A. Ball Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931 Pen Name:
Title: The Manxman : a novel
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Appleton Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (35)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021125Tuesday, November 25th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMable Hartman33803380Mable HartmanMable Hartman
19021112Wednesday, November 12th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMable Hartman33803380Mable HartmanMable Hartman
19021028Tuesday, October 28th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelSusan Moses47954795Mrs. S. MosesMrs. S. Moses
19020926Friday, September 26th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelAlbert Seldomridge24102410Delbert SeldomridgeDelbert Seldomridge
19020903Wednesday, September 3rd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelThos Larmore48634863Lucy LarmoreLucy Larmore
19020823Saturday, August 23rd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelReba Hoover54025402Reba HooverReba Hoover
19020809Saturday, August 9th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelReba Hoover54025402Reba HooverReba Hoover
19020802Saturday, August 2nd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelElizabeth Helen60426042Elizabeth HelmElizabeth Helm
19020718Friday, July 18th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs. Josephine Cecil33323332Josephine RickardJosephine Rickard
19020621Saturday, June 21st, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMaurie Lash54115411Mannie LoshMannie Losh
19020609Monday, June 9th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelGladys Sutton36063606Glady SuttonGlady Sutton
19020604Wednesday, June 4th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelLoys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
19020514Wednesday, May 14th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelEmily Olcott51475147Emily OlcottEmily Olcott
19020507Wednesday, May 7th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs. Anna Hedger53185318Anna HedgerAnna Hedger
19020423Wednesday, April 23rd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelAnna Hedger53185318Anna HedgerAnna Hedger
19020414Monday, April 14th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelEthel Cates53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19020402Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelJohn Carey59275927John CareyJohn Carey
19020324Monday, March 24th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs.Nannie B. Snyder51625162Mrs. Nannie B. SnyderMrs. Nannie B. Snyder
19020317Monday, March 17th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelHelen Hunt38253825Helen HuntHelen Hunt
19020301Saturday, March 1st, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs. B.F. Grobham51255125Mrs. B. F. GribbenMrs. B. F. Gribben
19020218Tuesday, February 18th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelH.W. Lingle42104210H. F. LingleH. F. Lingle
19020205Wednesday, February 5th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelH.W. Lingle42104210H. F. LingleH. F. Lingle
19020128Tuesday, January 28th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelLon M. Neely0803803Lon M. NeelyLon M. Neely
19020116Thursday, January 16th, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelDr. W.D. Whitney29112911Dr. W. D. WhitneyDr. W. D. Whitney
19020103Friday, January 3rd, 1902View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelPhillip Newman52665266Phil NewmanPhil Newman
19011214Saturday, December 14th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMary Shinn40694069Mary ShinnMary Shinnfixed borrower's name (orig. Marie Shirm)
19011210Tuesday, December 10th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelEdith Wilson48544854Edith WilsonEdith Wilson
19011126Tuesday, November 26th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelGeorge Summer38773877George SummerGeorge Summer
19011111Monday, November 11th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelGeorge Summers38773877George SummerGeorge Summer
19011024Thursday, October 24th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs. Rozetta Shinn48764876Rozetta ShinnRozetta Shinn
19011012Saturday, October 12th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMabel Morrow37043704Mabel MorrowMabel Morrow
19010924Tuesday, September 24th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMable Hartman33803380Mable HartmanMable Hartman
19010910Tuesday, September 10th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs Herman Chase38203820Mrs. Herman CohenMrs. Herman Cohen
19010810Saturday, August 10th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelMrs Chas McCullough56285628Mrs. C. H. McCulloughMrs. C. H. McCullough
19010727Saturday, July 27th, 1901View Page1292712927The Manxman : a novelThe Manxman : a novelA H Olin43024302A. H. OlinA. H. Olin