Accession # 9049 Title: Monk And Knight Author: Gunsaulus, Frank W. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 178
Accession # 9049
Accession Date Standardized Date: Tuesday, August 21st, 1894
Written Text: Aug 21, 1894
Discard Date Standardized Date: Sunday, November 1st, 1936
Written Text: 11/36
Book Information Author: Gunsaulus, Frank W.
Title: Monk And Knight
Where Published: Chicago, Ill. Publisher: When Published: 1893 # Vols: 2 Size: 18 # Pages: 342 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info: 1.80 2 books

+Book Record

Author Gunsaulus, Frank W. (Frank Wakeley), 1856-1921. Pen Name:
Title: Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Chicago, IL
Additional Info: Volume 2 of 2.

+Transaction History (19)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020315Saturday, March 15th, 1902View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs. Lulu Claypool42134213Lirtie S. ClaypoolLirtie S. ClaypoolBook Id 9048 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
18981110Thursday, November 10th, 1898View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.George Gowdy48354835Geo. D. GowdyGeo. D. Gowdy
18980919Monday, September 19th, 1898View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Rev H M Denslow34763476H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslowborrower's last name indicated by ditto marks
18980702Saturday, July 2nd, 1898View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Charlotte Shaw37473747Charlotte ShawCharlotte Shaw
18971030Saturday, October 30th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Ms. S B Garrett27122712S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett
18970925Saturday, September 25th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Ms. Ida Long37593759Mrs. Ida H. LongMrs. Ida H. Long
18970508Saturday, May 8th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs Leila Claypool42134213Lirtie S. ClaypoolLirtie S. Claypool
18970420Tuesday, April 20th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Chas H French34353435Julia LyonsJulia Lyons
18970403Saturday, April 3rd, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs. A. C Jones41054105Mrs. A. C. JonesMrs. A. C. Jones
18970206Saturday, February 6th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Rev. HM Denslow34763476H. M. DenslowH. M. Denslow
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Chester Evans29222922Ray WadeRay Wade
18960909Wednesday, September 9th, 1896View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs Geo Cobb34443444Maggie CobbMaggie Cobbpatron ID of Maggie Cobb
18960121Tuesday, January 21st, 1896View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Allie Emerson0367367Allie EmersonAllie Emerson
18951203Tuesday, December 3rd, 1895View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs Theo Hough45544554Theo A. HoughTheo A. Hough
18950703Wednesday, July 3rd, 1895View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Mrs. C. F. Garaghty45494549Mrs. C. F GaraghtyMrs. C. F Garaghty
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Cyrus Lyner40604060Mrs. C. TynerMrs. C. Tyner
18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Louis Bloom41684168Rudolph BloomRudolph Bloom
18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Sadie V. Langdon40334033Perry A. LangdonPerry A. Langdon
18941124Saturday, November 24th, 1894View Page090499049Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Monk and knight : an historical study in fiction.Sarah Heinsohn0760760Sarah HeinsohnSarah Heinsohn