Accession # 10594 Title: Corleone Author: Crawford, _F. Marion_ Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 219
Accession # 10594
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, December 8th, 1897
Written Text: Dec. 8, 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date: Tuesday, March 1st, 1938
Written Text: 3/38
Book Information Author: Crawford, _F. Marion_
Title: Corleone
Where Published: N.Y. Publisher: McMillan & Co. When Published: 1897 # Vols: 2 Size: 12 # Pages: 341 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Bowen & Merrill Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Publisher from Where Published column. Cost for set given as $1.35 in
record for volume 1.

+Book Record

Author Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909. Pen Name:
Title: Corleone a tale of Sicily.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Macmillan Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (44)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020917Wednesday, September 17th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Barny Swan51025102Barney SwanBarney SwanBook ID 10595 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020830Saturday, August 30th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Anna Hedger53185318Anna HedgerAnna HedgerBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020815Friday, August 15th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Edna Keller37013701Edna L. KellerEdna L. KellerBook 10593 borrrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020426Saturday, April 26th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Clara M. Strong51755175Clara M. StrongClara M. StrongBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020322Saturday, March 22nd, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Louise Phinney32403240Louise PhinneyLouise PhinneyBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020215Saturday, February 15th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Emily Meeks38953895Emily MeeksEmily MeeksBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020120Monday, January 20th, 1902View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Frank Crawford36463646Frank CrawfordFrank CrawfordBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate transactions recorded.
19011026Saturday, October 26th, 1901View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Madye McCullough58485848Madye McCulloughMadye McCulloughBook 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded
19010824Saturday, August 24th, 1901View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Lizzie Kuhn16251625Linnie MarshLinnie Marsh"--3" marked after book ID
19010717Wednesday, July 17th, 1901View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs Bertha Gilliam49684968Mrs. Bertha GilliamMrs. Bertha GilliamBook ID 10593 also checked out by patron on same transaction; Number 55 marked after patron's name
19010316Saturday, March 16th, 1901View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Lotta Topp49714971Lottie ToppLottie ToppBook ID 10593 also checked out by patron on same transaction
19001201Saturday, December 1st, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Lottie Topp49714971Lottie ToppLottie Topp
19001123Friday, November 23rd, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Ashton Van Nuys55565556A. M. Van NuysA. M. Van Nuys"10593" also written in Book ID space
19000616Saturday, June 16th, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Sarah Wysor34633463Sara WysorSara Wysor
19000405Thursday, April 5th, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mary Brady16211621M M BradyM M Brady
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.A.H. Gleason48674867A. H. GleasonA. H. Gleasonfixed patron number (orig. 4868)
19000217Saturday, February 17th, 1900View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Hattie Russell42864286Hattie RussellHattie Russell
18990925Monday, September 25th, 1899View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.BB Sleeper51505150Blanche SleeperBlanche Sleeper
18990913Wednesday, September 13th, 1899View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.James F. Smith37573757James F. SmithJames F. Smith
18990825Friday, August 25th, 1899View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Annie McDonald50685068Annie McDonaldAnnie McDonald
18990523Tuesday, May 23rd, 1899View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs Ida Long37593759Mrs. Ida H. LongMrs. Ida H. Long
18990213Monday, February 13th, 1899View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Maude Culver48294829Maude CulverMaude Culver
18981027Thursday, October 27th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.W H McEwen47924792W. H. McEwenW. H. McEwen
18980922Thursday, September 22nd, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs W.C. Dickie40544054Mrs. W. C. DickieMrs. W. C. Dickie
18980910Saturday, September 10th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs Louise Cassady37933793M. Louise CassadyM. Louise Cassady
18980819Friday, August 19th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Lorra Payton39193919Laura PaytonLaura Payton
18980813Saturday, August 13th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Kate Pollusin36673667Calvin ThornburgCalvin Thornburg
18980709Saturday, July 9th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs S. B. Garrett27122712S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett
18980701Friday, July 1st, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Walter Gregory43064306Walter GregoryWalter Gregory
18980616Thursday, June 16th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. W. R. Maddy45404540Mrs. W R MaddyMrs. W R Maddy
18980423Saturday, April 23rd, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs A. J. Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18980408Friday, April 8th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18980314Monday, March 14th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Dr H M Winans002727H. M. WinansH. M. Winans
18980302Wednesday, March 2nd, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs. W. M. Marsh38543854Mrs. W. M. MarshMrs. W. M. Marsh
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Jennie Ropp38853885Jennie RappJennie Rapp
18980223Wednesday, February 23rd, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mrs W M Marsh38543854Mrs. W. M. MarshMrs. W. M. Marsh
18980210Thursday, February 10th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Maggie Slater36413641Maggie SlaterMaggie Slater"+" marked next to patron's name
18980210Thursday, February 10th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Agnes Doylepatron ID listed as 3641; Maggie Slater used patron ID 3641 in previous transaction. Book IDs also identical.
18980121Friday, January 21st, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Emory Seldomridge36913691Carroll ParkCarroll Park
18980114Friday, January 14th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Lotta Tyler0911911M. E. SmithM. E. Smith
18980107Friday, January 7th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Clifford Bower38723872Clifford BowerClifford Bower
18980104Tuesday, January 4th, 1898View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Dwight Denslow34993499Dwight DenslowDwight Denslow
18971227Monday, December 27th, 1897View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Mary L. Carmichael25782578Clarence LaceyClarence Lacey
18971211Saturday, December 11th, 1897View Page1059410594Corleone a tale of Sicily.Corleone a tale of Sicily.Norwood Cames18011801Ida BrownIda Brown