Accession # 10593 Title: Corleone Author: Crawford, _F. Marion_ Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 219
Accession # 10593
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, December 8th, 1897
Written Text: Dec. 8, 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date: Sunday, January 1st, 1928
Written Text: [illegible] '28
Book Information Author: Crawford, _F. Marion_
Title: Corleone
Where Published: N.Y. Publisher: McMillan & Co. When Published: 1897 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 336 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Bowen & Merrill Cost: $1.35 Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Publisher from Where Published column.

+Book Record

Author Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909. Pen Name:
Title: Corleone : a tale of Sicily.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Macmillan Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (55)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020830Saturday, August 30th, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Anna Hedger53185318Anna HedgerAnna HedgerBook ID 10594 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020815Friday, August 15th, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Edna Keller37013701Edna L. KellerEdna L. KellerBook 10594 borrrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020426Saturday, April 26th, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Clara M. Strong51755175Clara M. StrongClara M. StrongBook ID 10593 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020322Saturday, March 22nd, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Lousie Phinney32403240Louise PhinneyLouise PhinneyBook ID 10594 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020215Saturday, February 15th, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Emily Meeks38953895Emily MeeksEmily MeeksBook ID 10594 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded.
19020120Monday, January 20th, 1902View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Frank Crawford36463646Frank CrawfordFrank CrawfordBook ID 10594 borrowed on same transaction; separate transactions recorded.
19011221Saturday, December 21st, 1901View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Hattie Karn38423842Hattie KarnHattie Karn
19011026Saturday, October 26th, 1901View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Madye McCullough58485848Madye McCulloughMadye McCulloughBook 10594 borrowed on same transaction; separate entries recorded
19010810Saturday, August 10th, 1901View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Ruth Winters33893389Ruth WintersRuth Winters
19010420Saturday, April 20th, 1901View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mable Morrow37043704Mabel MorrowMabel MorrowBook ID 10594 also checked out by patron on same transaction
19010413Saturday, April 13th, 1901View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Hattie Russell42864286Hattie RussellHattie RussellBook ID 10594 also checked out by patron on same transaction
19001227Thursday, December 27th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Ova Shoemaker55585558Ora ShoemakerOra Shoemaker10594 also marked as book ID
19001213Thursday, December 13th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Zora Carter53775377Zora CarterZora Carter10594 also listed as book ID
19000828Tuesday, August 28th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Frank Hulett44564456Frank R. HulettFrank R. Hulettfixed borrower's name (orig. Halett)
19000526Saturday, May 26th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Sarah Wysor34633463Sara WysorSara Wysor
19000324Saturday, March 24th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mary Brady16211621M M BradyM M Bradyfixed borrower's name (orig. "Bradley")
19000321Wednesday, March 21st, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.A.H. Gleason48674867A. H. GleasonA. H. Gleasonfixed patron number (orig. 4868)
19000217Saturday, February 17th, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Flora Russell23782378Flora RussillFlora Russill
19000123Tuesday, January 23rd, 1900View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.N F Ethell0144144N. F. EthellN. F. Ethell"+ 94" listed after book ID
18990916Saturday, September 16th, 1899View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.BB Sleepy51505150Blanche SleeperBlanche Sleeper
18990913Wednesday, September 13th, 1899View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Maude Smith51445144Maude M SmithMaude M Smith
18990817Thursday, August 17th, 1899View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Annie McDonald50685068Annie McDonaldAnnie McDonald
18990520Saturday, May 20th, 1899View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs Ida Long37593759Mrs. Ida H. LongMrs. Ida H. Long
18990210Friday, February 10th, 1899View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Maude Culver48294829Maude CulverMaude Culver
18981029Saturday, October 29th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs G. Nicholson47974797Gertie NicholsonGertie Nicholson
18981029Saturday, October 29th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs Bird Richardson35413541Miss. Bird RichardsonMiss. Bird Richardson
18981022Saturday, October 22nd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs Ella Cammack12501250Mrs. E CammackMrs. E Cammack
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs A.E. Winchester009999Anna E. MaddyAnna E. Maddy
18980922Thursday, September 22nd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Katie Dickie007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"(K.W.)" written after patron name
18980903Saturday, September 3rd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Vida Cassady23442344Vida CassadyVida Cassadyborrower's last name indicated by ditto marks
18980826Friday, August 26th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Margaret Scott38383838Margaret LeothMargaret Leoth
18980820Saturday, August 20th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Joe McDonald33373337Geo W LynnGeo W Lynn
18980813Saturday, August 13th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Lorane Poohin39193919Laura PaytonLaura Payton
18980806Saturday, August 6th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Katy Patterson36683668Kate B. PattersonKate B. Patterson
18980723Saturday, July 23rd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. Katie Patterson36683668Kate B. PattersonKate B. Patterson
18980716Saturday, July 16th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Emma Margaret39263926Miss. Emma MaguelMiss. Emma Maguel
18980706Wednesday, July 6th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.T H Kirby42694269Mr. T. H. KirbyMr. T. H. Kirbyfixed patron number (orig. 4262)
18980624Friday, June 24th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.S. B. Garrett27122712S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett
18980602Thursday, June 2nd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.I. B. Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18980518Wednesday, May 18th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Seymour Cohn36443644Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn
18980503Tuesday, May 3rd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs Cora Trent26932693Cora TrentCora Trent
18980423Saturday, April 23rd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Lena Turner46454645Lena TurnerLena Turner
18980416Saturday, April 16th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs A J Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18980325Friday, March 25th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18980315Tuesday, March 15th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.D. C. Mitchell37443744D. O. MitchellD. O. Mitchell
18980302Wednesday, March 2nd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Herbert Maddy14941494Herbert MaddyHerbert Maddyfixed patron number (orig. 1492)//fixed borrower's name (orig. Walling)
18980225Friday, February 25th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mrs. W. M. Marsh38543854Mrs. W. M. MarshMrs. W. M. Marsh
18980218Friday, February 18th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Dr. M. Wins002727H. M. WinansH. M. Winans
18980127Thursday, January 27th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Maggie Slater36413641Maggie SlaterMaggie SlaterNumber 59 marked next to patron's name
18980115Saturday, January 15th, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.B. L. Pritner40984098B. L. PritnerB. L. Pritner
18980103Monday, January 3rd, 1898View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Emory Seldomridge26912691Emory SeldomridgeEmory Seldomridge
18971227Monday, December 27th, 1897View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Dwight Denslow34993499Dwight DenslowDwight Denslow
18971218Saturday, December 18th, 1897View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mary L. Carmichael25782578Clarence LaceyClarence LaceyPatron ID of Clarence Lacey
18971211Saturday, December 11th, 1897View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Mary Kinert43704370Mary KinertMary Kinert
18971210Friday, December 10th, 1897View Page1059310593Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Corleone : a tale of Sicily.Norwood Cames18011801Ida BrownIda BrownPatron ID of Ida Brown