19020321Friday, March 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | John J. Sherritt | 60626062 | John J. StreetJohn J. Street | |
19020313Thursday, March 13th, 1902 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Frank Leon | 53755375 | Frank LeonFrank Leon | |
19020305Wednesday, March 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Ray Campbell | 60596059 | Roy CampbellRoy Campbell | |
19020218Tuesday, February 18th, 1902 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | James Duncan | 45874587 | Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan | |
19020111Saturday, January 11th, 1902 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Glenn Studebaker | 54695469 | Glen StudebakerGlen Studebaker | |
19011211Wednesday, December 11th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Roscoe Smith | 59395939 | Roscoe SmithRoscoe Smith | |
19011105Tuesday, November 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Kitselman | 59055905 | H. L. KitselmanH. L. Kitselman | |
19011026Saturday, October 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Raymond Hottinger | 56875687 | Rymnd HottingerRymnd Hottinger | |
19010914Saturday, September 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Glenn Studebaker | 54695469 | Glen StudebakerGlen Studebaker | |
19010717Wednesday, July 17th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Glenn Studebaker | 54695469 | Glen StudebakerGlen Studebaker | |
19010210Sunday, February 10th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Chad Riblett | 56405640 | Carl RiblettCarl Riblett | |
19010201Friday, February 1st, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Russell | 51045104 | Harvey RussellHarvey Russell | |
19010126Saturday, January 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Carl Riblett | 56405640 | Carl RiblettCarl Riblett | |
19001224Monday, December 24th, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Ritter | 50285028 | Harry RitterHarry Ritter | |
19001205Wednesday, December 5th, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Lina Manok | 55945594 | Miss. Lina WanokMiss. Lina Wanok | Number 47 marked after patron's name |
19000330Friday, March 30th, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Arthur Carson | 53565356 | Arthur CarsonArthur Carson | |
19000321Wednesday, March 21st, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Mrs. G.W. Munn | 43524352 | Mrs. G. W. MunnMrs. G. W. Munn | |
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Earl Pacey | 43294329 | Earl PaceyEarl Pacey | |
19000123Tuesday, January 23rd, 1900 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Mrs Rush Harris | 52245224 | Mrs. R. R. HarrisMrs. R. R. Harris | |
18991230Saturday, December 30th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Henry Kuhn | 29452945 | Harry KuhnHarry Kuhn | |
18991229Friday, December 29th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Leonard Leslie | 49794979 | Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie | |
18990815Tuesday, August 15th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Loys Saxon | 33403340 | Loys SaxonLoys Saxon | |
18990811Friday, August 11th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Wysor Marsh | 45244524 | Wysor MarshWysor Marsh | |
18990630Friday, June 30th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Ault | 34873487 | Harry AultHarry Ault | |
18990614Wednesday, June 14th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |
18990504Thursday, May 4th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Leslie Greely | 34183418 | Leslie GreelyLeslie Greely | |
18990421Friday, April 21st, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Jamie Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18990220Monday, February 20th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Frank McCaughan | 49644964 | Frank McCaughanFrank McCaughan | |
18990209Thursday, February 9th, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Leonard Leslie | 49794979 | Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie | |
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Jamie Duncan | 45874587 | Jamie DuncanJamie Duncan | |
18981217Saturday, December 17th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Rockaway | 33833383 | Harry RockawayHarry Rockaway | |
18981008Saturday, October 8th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Blanche Williams | 33563356 | Blanche WilliamsBlanche Williams | |
18980912Monday, September 12th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Robt Bradbury | 37653765 | Robt. BradburyRobt. Bradbury | |
18980831Wednesday, August 31st, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Bannister | 47834783 | Harry B. BannisterHarry B. Bannister | |
18980730Saturday, July 30th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Wattia Mo[...] | 29432943 | Wattia MarchWattia March | Patron name partially illegible. Number 120 written after the patron's name. |
18980723Saturday, July 23rd, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Reba Richey | 32233223 | Reba RicheyReba Richey | |
18980714Thursday, July 14th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Geo O Cromwell | 38013801 | Geo O CromercerGeo O Cromercer | |
18980425Monday, April 25th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Guy McAllister | 39003900 | Guy McAllisterGuy McAllister | |
18980405Tuesday, April 5th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Frank Cohen | 41574157 | Frank CohenFrank Cohen | |
18980330Wednesday, March 30th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |
18980318Friday, March 18th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Dillard Drake | 39593959 | Dillard DrakeDillard Drake | |
18980308Tuesday, March 8th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Mrs Dora Mitchell | 42424242 | Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell | |
18980226Saturday, February 26th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Charlie Gill | 35493549 | Ohle GillOhle Gill | |
18980214Monday, February 14th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Claude Clark | 40854085 | Claud ClarkClaud Clark | |
18980209Wednesday, February 9th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Mable Hartman | 33803380 | Mable HartmanMable Hartman | |
18980205Saturday, February 5th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Harry Keltner | 42244224 | Harry KeltnerHarry Keltner | |
18980122Saturday, January 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Guy Conover | 34703470 | Guy ConoverGuy Conover | |
18980115Saturday, January 15th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Jamie Templer | 40144014 | E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer | |
18980105Wednesday, January 5th, 1898 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Ernest Davis | 37083708 | Estella ClarkEstella Clark | |
18971203Friday, December 3rd, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Griffith Wallace | 32613261 | Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace | |
18971122Monday, November 22nd, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Isabell Preston | 33743374 | Isabelle PrestonIsabelle Preston | |
18971119Friday, November 19th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Seymour Cohn | 36443644 | Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn | |
18971111Thursday, November 11th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Geo B Hamilton | 46614661 | G. B. HamiltonG. B. Hamilton | |
18971106Saturday, November 6th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Louis Bloom | 29702970 | Louis BloomLouis Bloom | |
18971029Friday, October 29th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Ray Thornburg | 40004000 | Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg | |
18971023Saturday, October 23rd, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Norwood Cames | 18011801 | Ida BrownIda Brown | |
18971016Saturday, October 16th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Ralph Bard | 32153215 | Ralph BardRalph Bard | |
18971012Tuesday, October 12th, 1897 | View Page | 1057510575 | Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub.Through the Sikh war : a tale of the conquest of the Punjaub. | Earl Williams | 32003200 | Earl WilliamsEarl Williams | |