Accession # 7790 Title: Remarkable in Hist. of America Author: John Frost, L.L.D. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 151
Accession # 7790
Accession Date Standardized Date: Tuesday, January 5th, 1892
Written Text: Jan 5 1892
Discard Date Standardized Date: Monday, January 1st, 1934
Written Text: '34
Book Information Author: John Frost, L.L.D.
Title: Remarkable in Hist. of America
Where Published: Phil. Pa. Publisher: When Published: 1852 # Vols: 1 Size: 8 # Pages: 768 Binding Type: Sheep
Of Whom Procured: Presented by Chas A. Willard Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Frost, John, 1800-1859. Pen Name:
Title: Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times
to the year 1848.

Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Philadelphia, PA
Additional Info: Volume 1 of 2. Embellished with seven hundred engravings. History of
the United States, with chapters on the discovery of America, conquest of
Mexico, conquest of Peru, etc.

+Transaction History (14)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020128Tuesday, January 28th, 1902View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Mrs. Aug May32113211Mrs. Aug. MaickMrs. Aug. Maick
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Laura McGee37983798Laura McGeeLaura McGee
18991108Wednesday, November 8th, 1899View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Joy Ellis36543654Joy EllisJoy Ellis
18991026Thursday, October 26th, 1899View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton
18981011Tuesday, October 11th, 1898View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Anna Gundloch39453945Anna GundlachAnna Gundlach
18980722Friday, July 22nd, 1898View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Wilbur Huffer42754275S. Wilbur HufferS. Wilbur Hufferfixed borrower's name (orig. Hoffer)
18980112Wednesday, January 12th, 1898View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Ms W. E. McCaudless44234423Mrs. W. E. McCaudlessMrs. W. E. McCaudless
18970522Saturday, May 22nd, 1897View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Mrs R W Wescott36973697Mrs. R. W. WestcottMrs. R. W. Westcott
18961130Monday, November 30th, 1896View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Wm Blaney35673567Wm BlaineyWm Blainey
18961120Friday, November 20th, 1896View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Harry Rockaway33833383Harry RockawayHarry Rockaway
18961104Wednesday, November 4th, 1896View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Miss Mary Brady16211621M M BradyM M Brady
18951009Wednesday, October 9th, 1895View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Landless Bloom45884588Landess BloomLandess Bloom
18941215Saturday, December 15th, 1894View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Rev Geo A Wilson44514451Geo A WilsonGeo A Wilson
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894View Page077907790Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Remarkable events in the history of America : from the earliest times to the year 1848.Mrs J. E. Durham26102610Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham