Accession # 1250 Title: Innocents abroad Author: S. L. Clemens Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 33
Accession # 1250
Accession Date Standardized Date: Saturday, March 13th, 1875
Written Text: March 13th, 1875
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Written Text:
Book Information Author: S. L. Clemens
Title: Innocents abroad
Where Published: New York Publisher: When Published: # Vols: 1 Size: 8 # Pages: 651 Binding Type: Sheep
Of Whom Procured: H. C. Marsh Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Lost.

+Book Record

Author Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910. Pen Name: Twain, Mark.
Title: The innocents abroad.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (93)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021104Tuesday, November 4th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. C. R. Flemming15781578C R FlemmingC R Flemming
19020925Thursday, September 25th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. Lydia Larue59795979Lydia LaRueLydia LaRue
19020616Monday, June 16th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. H.H. Ketchem59365936Mrs. H. H. KetchamMrs. H. H. Ketcham
19020602Monday, June 2nd, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. H.H. Ketchem59365936Mrs. H. H. KetchamMrs. H. H. Ketcham
19020423Wednesday, April 23rd, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ida Spaulding53715371Ida SpauldingIda Spaulding
19020414Monday, April 14th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ray Campbell60596059Roy CampbellRoy Campbell
19020318Tuesday, March 18th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.John W. Gibson54285428Arthur ChambersArthur Chambers
19020108Wednesday, January 8th, 1902View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. H.C. Wall57805780Mrs. H. C.R. WallMrs. H. C.R. Wall
19011214Saturday, December 14th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.May Grouse30683068May GrouseMay Grouse
19011113Wednesday, November 13th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Earl Gaumer59215921Earl GaumerEarl Gaumer
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Geo Brooker58865886Geo J BrookerGeo J Brooker
19010910Tuesday, September 10th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Wm Hartman49384938Wm HartmanWm Hartman
19010513Monday, May 13th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Elmer E. Houze56555655Elmer E. HouzeElmer E. HouzeNumber 71 marked after patron's name
19010427Saturday, April 27th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Marx Holt49204920Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt
19010413Saturday, April 13th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Marx Holt49204920Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt
19010301Friday, March 1st, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Guy Ribblett56475647Guy H RiblettGuy H Riblett
19010216Saturday, February 16th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs Emma Ribblett55975597Emma RiblettEmma Riblett
19010209Saturday, February 9th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Hazel Buell53505350Hazel BucklyHazel Buckly
19010125Friday, January 25th, 1901View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs G W Munn43524352Mrs. G. W. MunnMrs. G. W. Munn
19000903Monday, September 3rd, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.George Summer38773877George SummerGeorge Summer
19000815Wednesday, August 15th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Albert Briner38883888Robert BrinerRobert Briner
19000802Thursday, August 2nd, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.John Mellett53925392John MellettJohn Mellett
19000712Thursday, July 12th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Grace Powers51555155Grace PowersGrace Powers
19000626Tuesday, June 26th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Rev W.H. Oxtoby37213721William H. OxtobyWilliam H. Oxtoby
19000612Tuesday, June 12th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Ault
19000329Thursday, March 29th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Carl Topp29192919Carl ToppCarl Topp
19000113Saturday, January 13th, 1900View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Daisy Floyd25772577Carrie FloydCarrie Floyd
18991025Wednesday, October 25th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Norwood Comes27072707Norwood CarnesNorwood Carnes
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Guy Shrazer51825182Guy ShroyaGuy Shroya
18991004Wednesday, October 4th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Olive McGath47244724Olive McGathOlive McGath
18990821Monday, August 21st, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. Mary Legg48774877Mary R. LeggMary R. Legg
18990714Friday, July 14th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Minnie Case24172417Miriam CaseMiriam Case
18990419Wednesday, April 19th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ben C Cohen50535053B. M. CohenB. M. Cohen
18990403Monday, April 3rd, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Arthur Leonard27712771Arthur LeonardArthur Leonard
18990314Tuesday, March 14th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. J.G. Thomas39243924Mrs. J. G. ThomasMrs. J. G. Thomas
18990228Tuesday, February 28th, 1899View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mary Thomas42744274Mae ThomasMae Thomas
18981217Saturday, December 17th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18981205Monday, December 5th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Earl Tevebaugh30603060Earl TeverbaughEarl Teverbaugh
18981102Wednesday, November 2nd, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Leroy Weaver36433643Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver
18981015Saturday, October 15th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ola Emerson24302430Ola EmersonOla Emerson
18980902Friday, September 2nd, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.R.E. Flinn47734773R. E. FlinnR. E. Flinn
18980816Tuesday, August 16th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Herman Cecil39833983Herman CecilHerman Cecil
18980625Saturday, June 25th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Walter Moreland29432943Wattia MarchWattia March
18980618Saturday, June 18th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Archie Reece35843584Archie RaceArchie Race
18980531Tuesday, May 31st, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Lowell Millett38853885Jennie RappJennie Rapp
18980514Saturday, May 14th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Fred A Swain39653965Fred A SwainFred A Swain
18980427Wednesday, April 27th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs O. B. Barmaster39643964Mrs. O. B. BannisterMrs. O. B. Bannister
18980325Friday, March 25th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Geo Summers38773877George SummerGeorge Summer
18980311Friday, March 11th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Geo Summers38773877George SummerGeorge Summer
18980128Friday, January 28th, 1898View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Frank Everett0175175Frank EverettFrank Everett
18971216Thursday, December 16th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna HooverNumber 9 marked next to patron's name
18971202Thursday, December 2nd, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18971112Friday, November 12th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ms. Hattie Lantz34463446Mrs. Hattie LantzMrs. Hattie Lantz
18971030Saturday, October 30th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Ms. Hattie Lantz34463446Mrs. Hattie LantzMrs. Hattie Lantz
18971004Monday, October 4th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Daisy Richards34743474Daisy RichardsDaisy Richards
18970914Tuesday, September 14th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Garfield Olin43044304Garfield OlinGarfield Olin
18970806Friday, August 6th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.J. C. Bacon0329329Joshua C BaconJoshua C Bacon
18970721Wednesday, July 21st, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs Sarah Miller36873687Wm EmmonsWm Emmons
18970512Wednesday, May 12th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Aruthur Ramey35593559Arthur RameyArthur Ramey
18970413Tuesday, April 13th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. GM Bard41824182Helen Norwood BardHelen Norwood Bard
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Maggie Slater36413641Maggie SlaterMaggie Slater
18970212Friday, February 12th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Will Craig44944494Will CraigWill Craig
18970129Friday, January 29th, 1897View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Will Craig44944494Will CraigWill Craig
18961121Saturday, November 21st, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Louis Bloom29702970Louis BloomLouis Bloom
18961107Saturday, November 7th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.George Hattinger27952795Katie HottingerKatie Hottinger
18960923Wednesday, September 23rd, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Miss Anna Howard31823182Miss. Anna HowardMiss. Anna Howard
18960821Friday, August 21st, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Jessie Bradbury44574457Jessie S BradburyJessie S Bradburynumber "41" marked next to patron's name
18960808Saturday, August 8th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Julia Lyons34353435Julia LyonsJulia Lyons
18960702Thursday, July 2nd, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs Hattie Lantz34463446Mrs. Hattie LantzMrs. Hattie Lantz
18960421Tuesday, April 21st, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Clayton Reid008080Clayton ReidClayton Reid
18960407Tuesday, April 7th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Clayton Reid008080Clayton ReidClayton Reid
18960313Friday, March 13th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.John M Russey32193219John M RusseyJohn M Russey
18960214Friday, February 14th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Harry Orr40474047Harry OrrHarry Orr
18960118Saturday, January 18th, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Walter Bartlett31403140Walter BartlettWalter Bartlett
18960103Friday, January 3rd, 1896View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.D.E. Sears33933393Frank S MartsFrank S Marts
18951207Saturday, December 7th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Guy Sutton33203320Guy SuttonGuy Sutton
18951111Monday, November 11th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Miss Alice Woodard47004700Alice WoodardAlice Woodard
18951029Tuesday, October 29th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Miss Alice Woodard47004700Alice WoodardAlice Woodard
18950822Thursday, August 22nd, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Cyrus Lyner40604060Mrs. C. TynerMrs. C. Tynerfixed borrower's name (orig. "Tyner")
18950809Friday, August 9th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs Cyrus Tyner45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18950720Saturday, July 20th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Cecil Keirstead30713071Cecil KeirsteadCecil Keirstead
18950626Wednesday, June 26th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Georgia O. McKinley31743174George McKinleyGeorge McKinley
18950513Monday, May 13th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. Dr. J. F. Bowers44844484Mrs. Dr BowersMrs. Dr Bowers
18950430Tuesday, April 30th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Chris Casterline31623162Charles CasterlineCharles Casterline
18950416Tuesday, April 16th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Charles Jenkins31593159Chas JenkinsChas Jenkins
18950402Tuesday, April 2nd, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Wm Truitt45764576Will TruittWill Truitt
18950223Saturday, February 23rd, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs. Hall45464546Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall
18950126Saturday, January 26th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mr J. K. Campbell45924592Jack CampbellJack Campbell
18950119Saturday, January 19th, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Estella McClelland45364536Estella McClellandEstella McClelland
18950103Thursday, January 3rd, 1895View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Wilbur Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton
18941220Thursday, December 20th, 1894View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Wilbur Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton
18941128Wednesday, November 28th, 1894View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Caddie Helvie41564156Caddie HelvieCaddie Helvie
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page012501250The innocents abroad.The innocents abroad.Mrs J. F. Hall45464546Mrs. J. F. HallMrs. J. F. Hall