19011113Wednesday, November 13th, 1901 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Ira Langford | 58205820 | Ira W LangfordIra W Langford | |
18991213Wednesday, December 13th, 1899 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Mrs L Houze | 37403740 | Mrs. Leon HouzeMrs. Leon Houze | |
18991205Tuesday, December 5th, 1899 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Omer Mitchell | 24522452 | Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell | |
18990412Wednesday, April 12th, 1899 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Ernest Shuttleworth | 43984398 | E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. Shuttleworth | |
18990329Wednesday, March 29th, 1899 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Ernest Shuttleworth | 43984398 | E. H. ShuttleworthE. H. Shuttleworth | |
18981109Wednesday, November 9th, 1898 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Mrs Mary Hopping | 15791579 | Mary A. HoppingMary A. Hopping | X marked next to patron's name |
18980901Thursday, September 1st, 1898 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Harry Ault | 34873487 | Harry AultHarry Ault | |
18980222Tuesday, February 22nd, 1898 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Louis Bloom | 29702970 | Louis BloomLouis Bloom | |
18970118Monday, January 18th, 1897 | View Page | 00784784 | The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire.The blockade of Phalsburg : an episode of the end of the empire. | Mohelle Kurchum | 17081708 | Charles ScottCharles Scott | |