Accession #
A Day in Ancient Rome
Edgar S Shumway
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Saturday, September 28th, 1889
Written Text:
Sept 28 1889
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Book Information
Edgar S Shumway
A Day in Ancient Rome
Where Published:
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# Vols:
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Of Whom Procured:
Dept of Interior
Nature of Origin:
Additional Info:
+Book Record Author
Lohr, Friedrich.
Pen Name:
A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations.
Uniform Title:
Aus dem alten Rom.
Where Published:
Boston, MA
Additional Info:
Summary: Describes life in Rome and the splendors of Roman civilization.
+Transaction History (7) Users with Javascript disabled currently have a limitation of 1000 results per record type. To view the full set of results, please select the 'Download Results' option.
Transaction Date Original Document Acc. # Title Borrower Name Pat # Listed Patron Name Transaction Comments 19020503 Saturday, May 3rd, 1902View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. Rosa Burmaster 3189 3189 Rosa Burmaster Rosa Burmaster 19020321 Friday, March 21st, 1902View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. G.W. Watson 1392 1392 G W Watson G W Watson 19020210 Monday, February 10th, 1902View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. Mrs. M. Winans Spelker 0031 31 Mary Thomas Mary Thomas 18950727 Saturday, July 27th, 1895View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. [...] Gayman 1567 1567 Maggie Casey Maggie Casey patron ID of Parry Haines
patron first name illegible//fixed patron number (orig. 1567) 18950412 Friday, April 12th, 1895View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. Mrs. Lizzie Long 0289 289 Lizzie Long Lizzie Long 18950320 Wednesday, March 20th, 1895View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. Clara Youngman 3001 3001 Clara Youngman Clara Youngman 18920219 Friday, February 19th, 1892View Page 07001 7001 A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. A day in ancient Rome : being a revision of Lohr's "Aus dem alten Rom" : with numerous illustrations. Mrs L.D. Atherholt 2977 2977 Mrs. Arthurholt Mrs. Arthurholt "A day in Ancient Rome" listed as book ID