Accession # 2014 Title: Nicholas Nickleby. Author: Charles Dickens Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 53
Accession # 2014
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, May 27th, 1875
Written Text: May 27th 1875
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Charles Dickens
Title: Nicholas Nickleby.
Where Published: Phildelphia Pa. Publisher: When Published: nd # Vols: I Size: 12 # Pages: 912 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: G H. Andrews Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info: Lost

+Book Record

Author Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. Pen Name:
Title: Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Philadelphia, PA
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (36)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020529Thursday, May 29th, 1902View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs. C.R. Flemming15781578C R FlemmingC R Flemming
19020421Monday, April 21st, 1902View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Helen Hunt38253825Helen HuntHelen Hunt
19020323Sunday, March 23rd, 1902View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs. Louise Heckenhauer60366036Louise HockenhomerLouise Hockenhomer
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs. Louise Heckenhouer60366036Louise HockenhomerLouise Hockenhomer
19011114Thursday, November 14th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Arthur Shafer59475947Arthur ShaferArthur Shafer
19011106Wednesday, November 6th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Jessie Clark51145114Jessie ClarkJessie Clark
19010727Saturday, July 27th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Goldie Hamilton54625462Goldie HamiltonGoldie Hamilton
19010711Thursday, July 11th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Ed C Kirby30123012Edward KirbyEdward Kirby
19010601Saturday, June 1st, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs W. B. Dow56345634Marguerite LyonsMarguerite Lyons
19010516Thursday, May 16th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Anna Hamilton47424742Anna HamiltonAnna Hamilton
19010302Saturday, March 2nd, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Pearl Eber53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19010209Saturday, February 9th, 1901View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Nellie Forington55325532Nettie FarringtonNettie Farrington
19001226Wednesday, December 26th, 1900View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank Leon
19000602Saturday, June 2nd, 1900View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Frank Crossfield52835283Fred CrossfieldFred Crossfield
19000505Saturday, May 5th, 1900View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Opal Clinger50355035Opal ClingerOpal Clinger
19000208Thursday, February 8th, 1900View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Clyde Moser52435243Willie BrannonWillie Brannon
19000118Thursday, January 18th, 1900View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Everett Fisher47614761Everette FisherEverette Fisherfixed patron number (orig. 4961)
18991201Friday, December 1st, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.C A McGougle50025002C A McGonagleC A McGonagle
18990828Monday, August 28th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs. Ann Johnson44024402Mrs. A. JohnsonMrs. A. Johnson
18990729Saturday, July 29th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Psyche Hoover39933993Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover
18990630Friday, June 30th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Psyche Hoover39933993Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover
18990616Friday, June 16th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Psyche Hoover39933993Psyche HooverPsyche Hoover
18990614Wednesday, June 14th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Mrs. H R Wysor47874787Mrs. H. R. WysorMrs. H. R. Wysor
18990524Wednesday, May 24th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Olie Hockenberry37103710Olie HockenberryOlie Hockenberry
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Anna Peterson48954895Anna PetersonAnna Peterson
18980830Tuesday, August 30th, 1898View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.GW Watson13921392G W WatsonG W WatsonThe book Id is unclear. "38" written after patron name.
18980527Friday, May 27th, 1898View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18980513Friday, May 13th, 1898View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18971117Wednesday, November 17th, 1897View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Geo. O Cromwell38013801Geo O CromercerGeo O Cromercer
18970501Saturday, May 1st, 1897View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Ella Carey31703170Ella CareyElla Carey
18970301Monday, March 1st, 1897View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Annie Cunningham29872987Annie CunningtonAnnie Cunnington
18961212Saturday, December 12th, 1896View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Maggie McBreen44704470Maggie McBreenMaggie McBreen
18950222Friday, February 22nd, 1895View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Maggie McBreen44704470Maggie McBreenMaggie McBreen
18920406Wednesday, April 6th, 1892View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Chas W. Lynn0978978Charles LynnCharles Lynn
18920323Wednesday, March 23rd, 1892View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Charles W. Lynn0978978Charles LynnCharles Lynn
18920210Wednesday, February 10th, 1892View Page020142014Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby.Genevieve Campbell15331533Genevieve CampbellGenevieve Campbellfixed patron number (orig. 1531)// fixed borrower's name (orig Geneveve)