19021119Wednesday, November 19th, 1902 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Dr. I.N. Trent | 45304530 | I. N. TrentI. N. Trent | fixed patron number (orig. 4534) |
19021103Monday, November 3rd, 1902 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Anna Goddard | 10571057 | Gracie GoddardGracie Goddard | |
19021020Monday, October 20th, 1902 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Agnes Goddard | 10571057 | Gracie GoddardGracie Goddard | |
19001130Friday, November 30th, 1900 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Mrs Lulu S Claypool | 42134213 | Lirtie S. ClaypoolLirtie S. Claypool | |
19000201Thursday, February 1st, 1900 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Norwood Carnes | 27072707 | Norwood CarnesNorwood Carnes | "+" marked after patron's name |
19000120Saturday, January 20th, 1900 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Mrs Lula Reed | 48464846 | Mrs. J. E. ReedMrs. J. E. Reed | |
18991016Monday, October 16th, 1899 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Zulene Wilcoxen | 0699699 | Zulena WilcoxonZulena Wilcoxon | "19" written above name |
18981129Tuesday, November 29th, 1898 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Ralph Garst | 30413041 | Ralph GarstRalph Garst | Number 83 written next to patron's name |
18980905Monday, September 5th, 1898 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Elliott Bayless | 43054305 | Elliott BaylessElliott Bayless | |
18980217Thursday, February 17th, 1898 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | G. A. Whitcomb | 39293929 | G. A. WhitcombG. A. Whitcomb | |
18970313Saturday, March 13th, 1897 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Madge Walling | 16521652 | Mary WallingMary Walling | |
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Madge Walling | 16521652 | Mary WallingMary Walling | fixed borrower's name (orig. "Nulting") |
18961110Tuesday, November 10th, 1896 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Roy Marton | 28912891 | Roy MartinRoy Martin | |
18961028Wednesday, October 28th, 1896 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Miss M Brady | 16211621 | M M BradyM M Brady | |
18951109Saturday, November 9th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Dr I.N. Trent | 45304530 | I. N. TrentI. N. Trent | |
18951026Saturday, October 26th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Dr I.N. Trent | 45304530 | I. N. TrentI. N. Trent | |
18950615Saturday, June 15th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Rose B. Stewart | 0310310 | Rose BuddRose Budd | |
18950606Thursday, June 6th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | May G. Sample | 31293129 | Mrs. J. S. SampleMrs. J. S. Sample | |
18950504Saturday, May 4th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Mrs. Laura Brown | 0635635 | Laura StifflerLaura Stiffler | |
18950330Saturday, March 30th, 1895 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Mrs. Cora Trent | 26932693 | Cora TrentCora Trent | |
18941205Wednesday, December 5th, 1894 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Mrs E. T. Taylor | 007878 | Kate WilsonKate Wilson | "K.W." written next to patron's name |
18920520Friday, May 20th, 1892 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Cora Patterson | 0125125 | Cora PattersonCora Patterson | |
18920114Thursday, January 14th, 1892 | View Page | 072537253 | A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. A handbook of art industries in pottery and the precious metals. | Flora B. Walling | 0546546 | Belle WallingBelle Walling | |