Accession #
Open Polar Sea
I.I. Hayes, M.D.
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Standardized Date:
Monday, June 23rd, 1890
Written Text:
June 23 1890
Discard Date
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Friday, May 1st, 1914
Written Text:
May 1914
Book Information
I.I. Hayes, M.D.
Open Polar Sea
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Binding Type:
Library Binding
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+Book Record Author
Hayes, I. I. (Isaac Israel), 1832-1881.
Pen Name:
The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States".
Uniform Title:
Where Published:
New York, NY
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+Transaction History (7) Users with Javascript disabled currently have a limitation of 1000 results per record type. To view the full set of results, please select the 'Download Results' option.
Transaction Date Original Document Acc. # Title Borrower Name Pat # Listed Patron Name Transaction Comments 18971202 Thursday, December 2nd, 1897View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Chas E. Taylor 3589 3589 Chas. E. Taylor Chas. E. Taylor 18971103 Wednesday, November 3rd, 1897View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". W M Marsh 4524 4524 Wysor Marsh Wysor Marsh 18971014 Thursday, October 14th, 1897View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Chas E. Taylor 3589 3589 Chas. E. Taylor Chas. E. Taylor 18961124 Tuesday, November 24th, 1896View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Robert Mock 4231 4231 Robert Mock Robert Mock fixed borrower's name (orig. Mack) 18960501 Friday, May 1st, 1896View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Chas Langdon 2753 2753 Charlie Langdon Charlie Langdon 18920129 Friday, January 29th, 1892View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Morris Leech 2949 2949 Morris Leech Morris Leech 18920115 Friday, January 15th, 1892View Page 07236 7236 The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". The open polar sea : a narrative of a voyage of discovery towards the north pole in the schooner "United States". Morris Leech 2949 2949 Morris Leech Morris Leech