19020705Saturday, July 5th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Seymour Cohen | 36443644 | Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn | |
19020621Saturday, June 21st, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Ethel Brady | 28602860 | Ethel BradyEthel Brady | |
19020613Friday, June 13th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | R.L. Richards | 44014401 | R. Q. RichardsR. Q. Richards | |
19020522Thursday, May 22nd, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Ms. Minnie Thomas | 43084308 | Minnie ThomasMinnie Thomas | |
19020507Wednesday, May 7th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mrs. Minnie Thomas | 43084308 | Minnie ThomasMinnie Thomas | |
19020415Tuesday, April 15th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | James Moore | 47904790 | Jeannie MooreJeannie Moore | |
19020326Wednesday, March 26th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mrs. Cora Rutherford | 59775977 | Mrs. Cora RetherfordMrs. Cora Retherford | |
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mrs. Cora Rutherford | 59775977 | Mrs. Cora RetherfordMrs. Cora Retherford | |
19011129Friday, November 29th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mazie Gilmore | 56565656 | Mazie GilmoreMazie Gilmore | |
19011014Monday, October 14th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | W.R. Snyder | 20872087 | W R SnyderW R Snyder | |
19011009Wednesday, October 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Ms. Jessie Bower | 38273827 | Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower | |
19010720Saturday, July 20th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Alfred Kilgore | 27942794 | Alfred KilgoreAlfred Kilgore | Original transaction lists patron # as 2796, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Alfred Kilgore's actual patron # 2794. |
19010417Wednesday, April 17th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mrs Leila Arnold | 24962496 | Leila ChurchLeila Church | |
19010411Thursday, April 11th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Florence Frey | 56735673 | Florence DueyFlorence Duey | |
19010327Wednesday, March 27th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Mrs L. L. Ball | 39703970 | Mrs. L. L. BallMrs. L. L. Ball | |
19010316Saturday, March 16th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Marx Holt | 49204920 | Marx E. HoltMarx E. Holt | |
19010305Tuesday, March 5th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | V L Boyd | 57095709 | Victor L. BoydVictor L. Boyd | |
19010226Tuesday, February 26th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Claude McElwer | 37503750 | Claude McElweeClaude McElwee | |
19010212Tuesday, February 12th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Marie Kennedy | 56255625 | Mamee KennedyMamee Kennedy | |
19010208Friday, February 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Alice Irwin | 54455445 | Alice M. IrwinAlice M. Irwin | |
19010204Monday, February 4th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | W. S. Dragoo | 51525152 | Wm. S. DragooWm. S. Dragoo | |
19010119Saturday, January 19th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | George Burt | 29572957 | George BurtGeorge Burt | |
19010109Wednesday, January 9th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Fred Swain | 39653965 | Fred A SwainFred A Swain | |
19010108Tuesday, January 8th, 1901 | View Page | 1257712577 | Coffee and repartee and the idiot.Coffee and repartee and the idiot. | Carl Joliff | 56265626 | Carl JolliffCarl Jolliff | |