Accession # 13437 Title: The century magazine Author: Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 2 Page # 44
Accession # 13437
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, July 16th, 1902
Written Text: July 16 1902
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author:
Title: The century magazine
Where Published: N. York & London Publisher: Century Co. Pub. When Published: 1901 # Vols: 62 Size: 8 # Pages: 960 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: City Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Pen Name:
Title: The Century illustrated monthly magazine.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Scribner & Co. ; The Century Co. Where Published: New York, NY; London, ENG
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (21)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020121Tuesday, January 21st, 1902View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Harry Kitselman59055905H. L. KitselmanH. L. Kitselman"July 1901 centy" listed as book ID
19011107Thursday, November 7th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Jenny Zeumer58945894Miss. Jennie ZeumerMiss. Jennie Zeumer"Sept 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011107Thursday, November 7th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. T.L. Zook44734473Mrs. T L ZookMrs. T L Zook"July 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011107Thursday, November 7th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. Sarah Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara Bradbury"Oct 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011101Friday, November 1st, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Jennie Zeumer58945894Miss. Jennie ZeumerMiss. Jennie Zeumer"June 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011101Friday, November 1st, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. T.L. Zook44734473Mrs. T L ZookMrs. T L Zook"May 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011031Thursday, October 31st, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. Cora Lingle42394239Mrs. Cora B. LingleMrs. Cora B. Lingle"Oct 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19011028Monday, October 28th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.M.E. Burson007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"Oct 1901 Centy" listed as book ID; patron ID of Kate Wilson
19011021Monday, October 21st, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. M.S. Claypool007979Lizzie BursonLizzie Burson"Sept 1901 Centy" listed as book ID; Patron ID of Lizzie Burson
19011012Saturday, October 12th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.H.W. Lingle007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"Sep 1901 Century" listed as book ID; "(K.W.)" written next to patron's name--Patron ID of Kate Wilson
19010928Saturday, September 28th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. E. B. Claypool007979Lizzie BursonLizzie Burson"Aug 1901 Century" recorded as Book ID
19010912Thursday, September 12th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs Sarah Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara Bradbury"Aug 1901 Century" listed as book ID
19010820Tuesday, August 20th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Julia Fowler32423242Julia FowlerJulia Fowler"Cent July" listed as book ID
19010731Wednesday, July 31st, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.E. B. Claypool007979Lizzie BursonLizzie Burson"July 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19010713Saturday, July 13th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Emma Walling39983998Emma WallingEmma Walling"May 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19010709Tuesday, July 9th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Jeannie Bradbury12061206Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury"June 1901 Centy" listed as book ID//fixed borrower's name (orig. "James Bradley")
19010627Thursday, June 27th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Emma Goodin20572057Emma GoodinEmma Goodin"Jun 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19010615Saturday, June 15th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Emma Goodin20572057Emma GoodinEmma Goodin"Sep 1901 Centy" listed as book ID
19010603Monday, June 3rd, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Emma Goudin20572057Emma GoodinEmma Goodin"May 1901 Century" listed as book ID
19010529Wednesday, May 29th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. Sarah Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara Bradbury"May 1901 Century" listed as book ID
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901View Page1343713437The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs Milton Gray48014801Mrs. Milt GrayMrs. Milt Gray"Aug 1901 Century" listed as book ID