Accession # 13434 Title: The century magazine Illus. Author: Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 2 Page # 44
Accession # 13434
Accession Date Standardized Date: Wednesday, July 16th, 1902
Written Text: July 16 1902
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author:
Title: The century magazine Illus.
Where Published: N. York & London Publisher: Century Co. Pub. When Published: 1899&1900 # Vols: 59 Size: 8 # Pages: 966 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: City Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Pen Name:
Title: The Century illustrated monthly magazine.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Scribner & Co. ; The Century Co. Where Published: New York, NY; London, ENG
Additional Info: v. 23-110 (Nov. 1881-Oct. 1925) have title: The Century illustrated
monthly magazine.

+Transaction History (21)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19000917Monday, September 17th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Norman Boomer43174317Norman BoomerNorman Boomer"Apl 1900 Century" written in the Book ID space
19000623Saturday, June 23rd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mable Kenchman17081708Charles ScottCharles ScottApl 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000615Friday, June 15th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Louise Phinney32403240Louise PhinneyLouise PhinneyApl 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000605Tuesday, June 5th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. JW Garner17081708Charles ScottCharles ScottApl 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000430Monday, April 30th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Lon M. Neely0803803Lon M. NeelyLon M. NeelyApl 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000420Friday, April 20th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. Sarah goodin34893489Sarah GoodinSarah GoodinJan 1900 Centy listed as book ID; entry is crossed out
19000402Monday, April 2nd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. Sarah Bradbury11811181Sara BradburySara BradburyMarch 1900 Centy listed as book ID//fixed borrower's name (orig. "Bradley")
19000402Monday, April 2nd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. J.W. Bursaw007878Kate WilsonKate WilsonMarch 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000330Friday, March 30th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs. M.S. Claypool007979Lizzie BursonLizzie BursonMar 1900 Centy listed as book ID
19000329Thursday, March 29th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Anna Meyers37873787Anna MyersAnna MyersMarch 1900 Century listed as book ID
19000317Saturday, March 17th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Flora B Walling0546546Belle WallingBelle Walling"Feb 1900 Century" listed as book ID
19000310Saturday, March 10th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Flora B Walling0546546Belle WallingBelle Walling"Jan 1900 Century" listed as book ID
19000309Friday, March 9th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Jeannie Bradbury12061206Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury"Feb 1900 Century" listed as book ID//fixed patron's name (orig. "Janie")
19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.John McMillen25342534Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan"Feb 1900 Century" listed as book ID
19000303Saturday, March 3rd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.John McMillen25342534Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan"Jan 1900 Century" listed as book ID
19000215Thursday, February 15th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Jean Bradbury12061206Jeannie BradburyJeannie Bradbury"Jan 1900 Century" listed as book ID//fixed patron's name (orig. "Jane")
19000116Tuesday, January 16th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs I P Wildman20802080Mrs. S. P. WildmanMrs. S. P. Wildman"Dec 1899 Century" listed as book ID
19000110Wednesday, January 10th, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs M E Burson007878Kate WilsonKate Wilson"Dec 1899 Century" listed as book ID
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Mrs Hattie Everett37553755Hattie E. EverettHattie E. Everett"Dec 1899 Century" listed as book ID
19000103Wednesday, January 3rd, 1900View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Frank Everett0175175Frank EverettFrank Everett"Nov 1899 Century" listed as book ID
18991219Tuesday, December 19th, 1899View Page1343413434The Century illustrated monthly magazine.The Century illustrated monthly magazine.Dwight Denslow34993499Dwight DenslowDwight Denslow"Nov 1899 Century" listed as book ID