Accession # 10148 Title: The Pilot Author: Cooper-Fennimore Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 207
Accession # 10148
Accession Date Standardized Date: Monday, February 1st, 1897
Written Text: Feb 1st 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Cooper-Fennimore
Title: The Pilot
Where Published: N. York Publisher: When Published: # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 393 Binding Type: Patent
Of Whom Procured: Willis Kutz Cost: Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851. Pen Name:
Title: The pilot : a tale of the sea.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (25)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020509Friday, May 9th, 1902View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Charlie Hoover49924992Charlie HooverCharlie Hoover
19011121Thursday, November 21st, 1901View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Mrs. C.R. Flemming15781578C R FlemmingC R Flemming
19010824Saturday, August 24th, 1901View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Mrs Ella Earp53835383Mrs. E. G. EarpMrs. E. G. Earp
19010205Tuesday, February 5th, 1901View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Ferdinand Baker39733973Ferdinand BakerFerdinand Baker
19001006Saturday, October 6th, 1900View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Reba Koons51365136Reba KoonsReba Koons
19000925Tuesday, September 25th, 1900View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Claude Rider54565456Claude RiderClaude Rider
18990722Saturday, July 22nd, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Clarence Armstrong50745074Mrs. Clarence ArmstrongMrs. Clarence Armstrong
18990327Monday, March 27th, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.L.E. Williams46394639L. E. WilliamsL. E. Williams
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Frank Host49744974Frank HostFrank Host
18990123Monday, January 23rd, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Josie Christensen49764976Josie ChristensenJosie Christensen
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Murray Guynn44434443Murray GuynnMurray Guynnfixed borrower's name (orig. Gwynne)
18990107Saturday, January 7th, 1899View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Frank Gass23232323Frank GassFrank Gass
18981214Wednesday, December 14th, 1898View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Louise Ross48204820Louise RossLouise Ross
18981022Saturday, October 22nd, 1898View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.George Gowdy48354835Geo. D. GowdyGeo. D. Gowdy
18980808Monday, August 8th, 1898View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Harry Ault34873487Harry AultHarry Ault
18980505Thursday, May 5th, 1898View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Laura McGee37983798Laura McGeeLaura McGee
18980423Saturday, April 23rd, 1898View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Mrs Flora Foorman31573157Flora FoormanFlora Foorman
18971216Thursday, December 16th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Nellie Lacey25792579Fredie LaceyFredie Lacey
18971130Tuesday, November 30th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Nellie Lacey25792579Fredie LaceyFredie Lacey
18971120Saturday, November 20th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Harry White46374637Harry WhiteHarry White
18970701Thursday, July 1st, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
18970531Monday, May 31st, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Guy Tweedy33083308Guy TweedyGuy Tweedy
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Chester Evans29222922Ray WadeRay Wade
18970225Thursday, February 25th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Mrs. Frank Everett0175175Frank EverettFrank Everett
18970219Friday, February 19th, 1897View Page1014810148The pilot : a tale of the sea.The pilot : a tale of the sea.Geo W. Richardson Jr.36013601G. W. Richardson Jr.G. W. Richardson Jr.