Accession # 9028 Title: Life's Little Ironies Author: Hardy, Thos. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 178
Accession # 9028
Accession Date Standardized Date: Tuesday, August 21st, 1894
Written Text: Aug 21, 1894
Discard Date Standardized Date: Monday, February 1st, 1937
Written Text: 2/37
Book Information Author: Hardy, Thos.
Title: Life's Little Ironies
Where Published: New York Publisher: When Published: 1894 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 268 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: $0.94 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Pen Name:
Title: Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches,
entitled, A few crusted characters.

Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (61)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021113Thursday, November 13th, 1902View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.I.B. Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
19021011Saturday, October 11th, 1902View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. F.C. Farrington62576257Mrs. C R BrownMrs. C R Brown
19020331Monday, March 31st, 1902View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. Herman Cohen38203820Mrs. Herman CohenMrs. Herman Cohen
19020315Saturday, March 15th, 1902View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. Wm Reed58115811Mrs. Wm ReedMrs. Wm Reed
19011207Saturday, December 7th, 1901View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Walter Farrington55325532Nettie FarringtonNettie Farrington
19010921Saturday, September 21st, 1901View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. Jessie Bower38273827Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower
19010620Thursday, June 20th, 1901View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Kate Grovers55395539Kate GravesKate Graves
19010121Monday, January 21st, 1901View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Clifford Bower38723872Clifford BowerClifford Bower
19001107Wednesday, November 7th, 1900View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Roscoe Korner35363536Pearl SchenckPearl Schenck
19001024Wednesday, October 24th, 1900View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Roscoe Koermer35563556Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner
19000721Saturday, July 21st, 1900View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Jeannie Moore47904790Jeannie MooreJeannie Moore
19000316Friday, March 16th, 1900View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Clara Youngman30013001Clara YoungmanClara Youngman
18990325Saturday, March 25th, 1899View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Flora Russell23782378Flora RussillFlora Russill
18990210Friday, February 10th, 1899View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. D.V. Bower38273827Mrs. D. V. BowerMrs. D. V. Bower
18990127Friday, January 27th, 1899View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Mary Hilderhoff40694069Mary ShinnMary Shinn
18981213Tuesday, December 13th, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Emma Walker48754875Emma E. WalkerEmma E. Walker
18981102Wednesday, November 2nd, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs J.M. Eberly35373537Mrs. J. M. EberlyMrs. J. M. Eberly
18981020Thursday, October 20th, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Cora Trent26932693Cora TrentCora Trent
18981013Thursday, October 13th, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.S.B. Garrett27122712S. B. GarrettS. B. Garrett
18980920Tuesday, September 20th, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Alice Monroe47414741Mrs. Alice MonroeMrs. Alice Monroe
18980521Saturday, May 21st, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Eva H Little29052905Eva HagemanEva Hageman
18980322Tuesday, March 22nd, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.W. A. Brummer36613661W. A. BrunnerW. A. Brunner
18980114Friday, January 14th, 1898View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Dr I N Trent45304530I. N. TrentI. N. Trent
18971126Friday, November 26th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Ms. R. Ringolsky37663766Rosalind N RingolskyRosalind N Ringolsky
18971115Monday, November 15th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Carroll Hemingray32343234Carroll HemingrayCarroll Hemingray
18970524Monday, May 24th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Chas H French34353435Julia LyonsJulia Lyons
18970511Tuesday, May 11th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Julena Wilcoxon0699699Zulena WilcoxonZulena Wilcoxon
18970428Wednesday, April 28th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Ernest Wery32673267Ernest WeryErnest Wery
18970410Saturday, April 10th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.A. C. Case20632063Arthur CaseArthur Case
18970401Thursday, April 1st, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Allice Snell24082408Allie SnellAllie Snell
18970306Saturday, March 6th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.IB Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18970227Saturday, February 27th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.J. F. Hall45474547J F HallJ F Hall
18970202Tuesday, February 2nd, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Alice Koerman35563556Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner
18970112Tuesday, January 12th, 1897View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. Mary Leonard43164316Mrs. Mary LeonardMrs. Mary Leonard
18961124Tuesday, November 24th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Gertrude Hortacher25432543Gertie HortacherGertie Hortacher
18961024Saturday, October 24th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Alfred Abbott30073007Alfred AbbottAlfred Abbott
18961017Saturday, October 17th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Miss M. Heustain35433543Alicia Johnstone BellAlicia Johnstone Bellpatron ID of Alicia Johnstone Bell
18960924Thursday, September 24th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs J C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18960905Saturday, September 5th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mr A G Kreidler32383238A. G. KreidlerA. G. Kreidler
18960808Saturday, August 8th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Ola Emerson34383438May DaughertyMay Daughertypatron ID of May Daugherty
18960708Wednesday, July 8th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Mary Louick0957957Mary J. LuickMary J. Luick
18960417Friday, April 17th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.W.W. Dicks33463346W. W. DicksW. W. Dicks
18960201Saturday, February 1st, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Hallie Darnall46854685Hallie DarnallHallie Darnall
18960118Saturday, January 18th, 1896View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mr Bert Bradbury11881188Burt BradburyBurt Bradbury
18951231Tuesday, December 31st, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Willard Corey0632632Willard CoryWillard Cory
18951217Tuesday, December 17th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mr. A. Williams44954495Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams
18951126Tuesday, November 26th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs J.V. Crenshaw31783178Mrs. J. V. CrenshawMrs. J. V. Crenshaw
18950920Friday, September 20th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs B C Bowman32303230Mr. B C BowmanMr. B C Bowman
18950918Wednesday, September 18th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mr M D Garrett44464446Mr. M. D. GarrettMr. M. D. Garrett
18950810Saturday, August 10th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs J.E. Durham26102610Mrs. J. E. DurhamMrs. J. E. Durham
18950805Monday, August 5th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.L.M. Hemingray43914391L. M. HemingrayL. M. Hemingray
18950720Saturday, July 20th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Lila McConnellpatron ID illegible
18950715Monday, July 15th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs. J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18950427Saturday, April 27th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mr. A. J. Wilson11151115A. J. WilsonA. J. Wilson
18950216Saturday, February 16th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Carolin D Reid31343134Caroline D. ReidCaroline D. Reid
18950117Thursday, January 17th, 1895View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Wilbur Sutton27142714Wilbur SuttonWilbur Sutton
18941211Tuesday, December 11th, 1894View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Omer Mitchell24522452Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell
18941130Friday, November 30th, 1894View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Geo H Gilpatrick40704070Mrs. G. H. GilpatrickMrs. G. H. Gilpatrick
18941121Wednesday, November 21st, 1894View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs Wm Gill30963096Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill
18941110Saturday, November 10th, 1894View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Mrs F. G. Brownell41084108Mrs. F G BrownellMrs. F G Brownellfixed borrower's name (orig. Brownwell)
18941105Monday, November 5th, 1894View Page090289028Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Life's little ironies : a set of tales, with some colloquial sketches, entitled, A few crusted characters.Miss Kate Garst11441144Katie GarstKatie Garst