Accession # 10392 Title: Boy Life in U. States Navy Author: Clark, H. H. U.S.N._ Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 213
Accession # 10392
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, September 2nd, 1897
Written Text: Sept. 2, 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date:
Written Text:
Book Information Author: Clark, H. H. U.S.N._
Title: Boy Life in U. States Navy
Where Published: Boston, Mas. Publisher: When Published: # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 313 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Bowen Merrill Cost: $0.90 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Clark, H. H. (Henry Howard) Pen Name:
Title: Boy life in the United States navy.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Boston, MA
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (63)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19010311Monday, March 11th, 1901View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Leroy Weaver36433643Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver
19010215Friday, February 15th, 1901View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Charles Reece36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
19001231Monday, December 31st, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Clifford Cobb47534753Clifford M. CobbClifford M. Cobb
19000702Monday, July 2nd, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Frank Leon53755375Frank LeonFrank LeonNumber 57 written after patron's name
19000627Wednesday, June 27th, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler
19000525Friday, May 25th, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Warren Hutsell49914991Warren HutsellWarren Hutsell
19000328Wednesday, March 28th, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Leonard Leslie49794979Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie
19000323Friday, March 23rd, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry RitterOriginal transaction lists patron # as 5228, but this was likely an error and has been changed to reflect Harry Ritter's actual patron # 5028.
19000312Monday, March 12th, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Clifford M Cobb47534753Clifford M. CobbClifford M. Cobb
19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Homer Fordyce52515251Homer L. FordyceHomer L. Fordyce
18991209Saturday, December 9th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs Jennie Buettner52055205Louis H. BuettnerLouis H. Buettner
18991106Monday, November 6th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Lilien Miller31713171Harvey KoontzHarvey Koontz
18991021Saturday, October 21st, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ernerst Collins51575157Ernest CollinsErnest Collins
18991011Wednesday, October 11th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Reba Koons51365136Reba KoonsReba Koons
18990930Saturday, September 30th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Newton Peterson35783578Newton PetersonNewton Peterson
18990922Friday, September 22nd, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Branson Carfield50375037J. Branson CanfieldJ. Branson Canfield
18990914Thursday, September 14th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Charles Reece36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18990902Saturday, September 2nd, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Newton Peterson35783578Newton PetersonNewton Peterson
18990823Wednesday, August 23rd, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ralph Jackson37883788Ralph JacksonRalph Jackson
18990805Saturday, August 5th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Donald Milligan49664966Donald MilliganDonald Milligan
18990710Monday, July 10th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Bertie WmSon40024002Bertie WilliamsonBertie Williamson
18990524Wednesday, May 24th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ray Spradling32243224Roy SpradlingRoy Spradling
18990513Saturday, May 13th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Earl Williams32003200Earl WilliamsEarl WilliamsNumber 136 written next to patron's name
18990329Wednesday, March 29th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Everett Boor45084508Everett BoorEverett Boor
18990321Tuesday, March 21st, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Hazel Budd35863586Hazel BuddHazel BuddNumber 28 written next to patron's name
18990315Wednesday, March 15th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.W.F. Brown36713671J. P. BrownJ. P. Brown
18990306Monday, March 6th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs N.G. Francis43484348Mrs. N. G. FrancisMrs. N. G. Francisfixed borrower's name (orig. Frances)
18990218Saturday, February 18th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Glenn Harker50155015Glenn HarkerGlenn Harker
18990124Tuesday, January 24th, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Robert Burt33773377Robert BurtRobert Burt
18990121Saturday, January 21st, 1899View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Earl Nutting27832783Earl NuttingEarl Nutting
18981216Friday, December 16th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Chester Hazer48114811Chester HazerChester Hazer
18981206Tuesday, December 6th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs Minnie Charman0416416Minnie ParsonsMinnie Parsons
18981203Saturday, December 3rd, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Harry Sietz31013101Harry SeitzHarry Seitz
18980716Saturday, July 16th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.James Lightbody37513751James LightbodyJames Lightbody
18980709Saturday, July 9th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Fred Long0262262Mattie WilcoxonMattie Wilcoxon
18980606Monday, June 6th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Warren Sample33903390Warren SampleWarren Samplenumber 42 marked next to patron's name
18980512Thursday, May 12th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs. L. L. Turner44114411Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner
18980430Saturday, April 30th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs. L. L. Turner44114411Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner
18980413Wednesday, April 13th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs Wm Gill30963096Mrs. Wm. F. GillMrs. Wm. F. Gill
18980329Tuesday, March 29th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Mrs. Clara Hickman38913891Mrs. Clara HickmanMrs. Clara Hickman
18980309Wednesday, March 9th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.A. N. Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
18980305Saturday, March 5th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Fred D Rose42294229Fred D. RoseFred D. Rose
18980301Tuesday, March 1st, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Roscoe Lorentz39273927Roscoe LorentzRoscoe Lorentz
18980225Friday, February 25th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Austin Claypool36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18980222Tuesday, February 22nd, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Clarence Pearson38463846Clarence PearsonClarence Pearson
18980122Saturday, January 22nd, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Robt Mock42314231Robert MockRobert Mock
18980117Monday, January 17th, 1898View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Louis Icerman32093209Louis IcermanLouis Icerman
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Blanche Winters31943194Blanche WintersBlanche Winters
18971229Wednesday, December 29th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ralph Winters45134513Ralph WintersRalph Wintersfixed patron number (orig. 4313)
18971211Saturday, December 11th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Reba Richey32233223Reba RicheyReba Richey
18971129Monday, November 29th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Virginia Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
18971116Tuesday, November 16th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Virginia Claypool29282928Virginia ClaypoolVirginia Claypool
18971106Saturday, November 6th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Clarence Leager46094609Clarence LeagerClarence Leager
18971105Friday, November 5th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Reuben Lloyd32213221Reuben C LoydReuben C Loyd
18971028Thursday, October 28th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Jamie Templer40144014E. R. TemplerE. R. Templer
18971022Friday, October 22nd, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Wallace Ballard32823282W BallardW Ballard
18971012Tuesday, October 12th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
18971004Monday, October 4th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ralph Bard32153215Ralph BardRalph Bard
18970927Monday, September 27th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Walter Heffner33133313Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner
18970925Saturday, September 25th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Griffith Wallace32613261Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace
18970913Monday, September 13th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Ms. A. J. Williams42034203Mrs. A. J. WilliamsMrs. A. J. Williams
18970908Wednesday, September 8th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Fred Preston34063406Fred PrestonFred Preston
18970904Saturday, September 4th, 1897View Page1039210392Boy life in the United States navy.Boy life in the United States navy.Karl Nutting33313331Karl NuttingKarl Nutting