Accession # 10378 Title: Fighting Phil Author: Headley, P. C. Gen'l Sheridan Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 213
Accession # 10378
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, September 2nd, 1897
Written Text: Sept. 2, 1897
Discard Date Standardized Date: Monday, May 1st, 1922
Written Text: My. 1922
Book Information Author: Headley, P. C. Gen'l Sheridan
Title: Fighting Phil
Where Published: Boston & N.Y. Publisher: When Published: # Vols: Size: 12 # Pages: 338 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Bowen Merrill Cost: $0.60 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Headley, P. C. (Phineas Camp), 1819-1903. Pen Name:
Contributors: Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888.
Title: Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan,
general of the army of the United States.

Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: Boston, MA; New York, NY
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (34)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19020927Saturday, September 27th, 1902View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Clarence Hitchahuser62286228Clarence HutchinsonClarence Hutchinson
19011017Thursday, October 17th, 1901View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Lester Dorse56155615Lester DorseLester Dorse
19010522Wednesday, May 22nd, 1901View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Lewis McCoy55895589Lewis McCoyLewis McCoyDate listed as 5/8/1901; however, listed in ledger between dates 5/21/1901 and 5/23/1901, suggesting it should be 5/22/1901.
19010213Wednesday, February 13th, 1901View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Leroy Weaver36433643Leroy WeaverLeroy Weaver
19000906Thursday, September 6th, 1900View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Donald Milligan49664966Donald MilliganDonald Milligan
19000802Thursday, August 2nd, 1900View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Chas. McLain37053705Charles McLainCharles McLain
19000707Saturday, July 7th, 1900View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Rodney Hayler50495049Rodney HaylerRodney Hayler93 written after patron's name
19000306Tuesday, March 6th, 1900View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Gertrude Foorman34683468Gertie FoormanGertie Foorman
18991111Saturday, November 11th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Bert Todd52255225Walter ToddWalter Todd
18990916Saturday, September 16th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Newton Peterson35783578Newton PetersonNewton Peterson
18990905Tuesday, September 5th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Clinton Reece36893689Charles ReeceCharles Reece
18990731Monday, July 31st, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Omer Mitchell24522452Omer MitchellOmer Mitchell
18990519Friday, May 19th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Harry Ritter50285028Harry RitterHarry Ritter
18990422Saturday, April 22nd, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Walter Heffner33133313Walter HeffnerWalter Heffner
18990328Tuesday, March 28th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Charlie Wood38343834Charles WoodCharles Wood
18990304Saturday, March 4th, 1899View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Griffith Wallace32613261Griffith WallaceGriffith Wallace
18980625Saturday, June 25th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Mrs Florence Blease33633363Florence BleaseFlorence Blease
18980611Saturday, June 11th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Claude Reasoner35563556Claude ReasonerClaude Reasoner
18980518Wednesday, May 18th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Frank E Jackson46024602Frank G. JacksonFrank G. Jackson
18980504Wednesday, May 4th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Frank E. Jackson46024602Frank G. JacksonFrank G. Jackson
18980428Thursday, April 28th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Mrs. L. L. Turner44114411Mrs. L. L. TurnerMrs. L. L. Turner
18980420Wednesday, April 20th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Loys Saxon33403340Loys SaxonLoys Saxon
18980413Wednesday, April 13th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Reba Richey32233223Reba RicheyReba Richey
18980309Wednesday, March 9th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Robbie Knowlton0715715Addie KnowltonAddie Knowlton
18980301Tuesday, March 1st, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Henry Hofkemeyer39093909Henry HafkemeyerHenry Hafkemeyer
18980126Wednesday, January 26th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.A. N. Shuttleworth18981898A N ShuttleworthA N Shuttleworth
18980118Tuesday, January 18th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Seymour Cohn36443644Seymour CohnSeymour Cohn
18980106Thursday, January 6th, 1898View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Clark Munn41034103Clark MunnClark Munn
18971230Thursday, December 30th, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Karl Nutting33313331Karl NuttingKarl Nutting
18971227Monday, December 27th, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Louis Icerman32093209Louis IcermanLouis Icerman
18971204Saturday, December 4th, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Robt Mock42314231Robert MockRobert Mock
18971201Wednesday, December 1st, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Reuben Lloyd32213221Reuben C LoydReuben C Loyd
18971006Wednesday, October 6th, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Claude Smith32713271Claud SmithClaud Smith
18970914Tuesday, September 14th, 1897View Page1037810378Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Fighting Phil : the life and military career of Philip Henry Sheridan, general of the army of the United States.Ray Thornburg40004000Ray ThornburgRay Thornburg