Accession # 8658 Title: Alice Loraine Author: Blackmore, R.D. Original Source: View Page

+Transcribed Ledger Data

Ledger Entry Information Ledger # 1 Page # 168
Accession # 8658
Accession Date Standardized Date: Thursday, February 23rd, 1893
Written Text: Feb 23 1893
Discard Date Standardized Date: Friday, July 1st, 1904
Written Text: July 1904
Book Information Author: Blackmore, R.D.
Title: Alice Loraine
Where Published: London Eng Publisher: When Published: 1892 # Vols: 1 Size: 12 # Pages: 392 Binding Type: Cloth
Of Whom Procured: Purchased by City Cost: $0.68 Nature of Origin: Additional Info:

+Book Record

Author Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900. Pen Name:
Title: Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.
Uniform Title:
Publisher: Where Published: London, ENG
Additional Info:

+Transaction History (102)

Transaction DateOriginal
Acc. #TitleBorrower NamePat #Listed Patron NameTransaction Comments
19021018Saturday, October 18th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Cora Sasser60776077Cora SasserCora Sasser
19021014Tuesday, October 14th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.R.L. Richards44014401R. Q. RichardsR. Q. Richards
19020724Thursday, July 24th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. A.M. Klein38703870Mrs. A M KleinMrs. A M Klein
19020616Monday, June 16th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Elizabeth Helen60426042Elizabeth HelmElizabeth Helm
19020503Saturday, May 3rd, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Harry Kuhn29452945Harry KuhnHarry Kuhn
19020402Wednesday, April 2nd, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Theo Barton29712971Mrs. T. H. BartonMrs. T. H. Barton
19020308Saturday, March 8th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Carrie Paden37003700Carrie PadenCarrie PadenNumber 124 written after patron's name
19020115Wednesday, January 15th, 1902View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Fred Klein58245824Fred S KleinFred S Klein
19011130Saturday, November 30th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Anna Hedger53185318Anna HedgerAnna Hedger
19011105Tuesday, November 5th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Nora Spurgeon58105810Nora SpurgeonNora Spurgeon
19011023Wednesday, October 23rd, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Nora Spurgeon58105810Nora SpurgeonNora Spurgeon
19010924Tuesday, September 24th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Shiloh P. Langford58185818Shiloh P. LangfordShiloh P. Langford
19010909Monday, September 9th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Madge McCullough58485848Madye McCulloughMadye McCullough
19010518Saturday, May 18th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Estelle Coffman57465746Estella CoffmanEstella Coffman
19010517Friday, May 17th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Hattie Karn38423842Hattie KarnHattie Karn
19010405Friday, April 5th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Margaret Early57275727E. J. CalvertE. J. Calvert
19010305Tuesday, March 5th, 1901View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Joseph M Jacobs56825682Jas. M. JacobsJas. M. Jacobs
19001115Thursday, November 15th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.E. L. Chalfant32183218E. L. ChalfantE. L. Chalfant
19001029Monday, October 29th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Minnie Markle54765476Mina MarkleMina Markle
19001015Monday, October 15th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. R. E. Hamilton47494749Mrs. R. E. HamiltonMrs. R. E. Hamilton
19000928Friday, September 28th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Rozetta Shinn48764876Rozetta ShinnRozetta Shinn
19000820Monday, August 20th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Dr. J. E. Hughes52845284Dr. J. E. HughesDr. J. E. Hughes
19000718Wednesday, July 18th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Wm Brouse48474847William BrouseWilliam Brouse
19000623Saturday, June 23rd, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. S.A. Weaver47784778Mrs. S. A. WeaverMrs. S. A. Weaver
19000609Saturday, June 9th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. S.A. Weaver47784778Mrs. S. A. WeaverMrs. S. A. Weaver
19000523Wednesday, May 23rd, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Dora Mitchell42424242Mrs. Dora MitchellMrs. Dora Mitchell
19000515Tuesday, May 15th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Leonard Leslie49794979Leonard LeslieLeonard Leslie
19000424Tuesday, April 24th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.John McMillen25342534Allie L. McMillanAllie L. McMillan
19000409Monday, April 9th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.I.B. Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
19000319Monday, March 19th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Goldie Conway52745274Goldie CothranGoldie Cothran
19000227Tuesday, February 27th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Charline Knapp48784878Charline KnappCharline Knapp
19000213Tuesday, February 13th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.M B Keegan49574957Mrs. M B KeeganMrs. M B Keegan
19000127Saturday, January 27th, 1900View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Lulu Reed48464846Mrs. J. E. ReedMrs. J. E. Reed
18991216Saturday, December 16th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.O B Barrister50945094O. B. BannisterO. B. Bannister
18991125Saturday, November 25th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Johnny Clancy49974997John ClancyJohn Clancy
18990703Monday, July 3rd, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs C.E. Dwyer36663666Mrs. C. E. DwyerMrs. C. E. Dwyer
18990628Wednesday, June 28th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Frank S. Marts47934793Frank S MartsFrank S Marts
18990617Saturday, June 17th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Charity Smith35463546Charity E. SmithCharity E. Smith
18990617Saturday, June 17th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Etta Smith31373137Ettie M. SmithEttie M. Smith
18990524Wednesday, May 24th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Maggie Ward47114711Mrs. Maggie WardMrs. Maggie Ward
18990419Wednesday, April 19th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mary Jacobs30293029Mary JacobsMary Jacobs
18990417Monday, April 17th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs M.B. Keegan49574957Mrs. M B KeeganMrs. M B Keegan
18990403Monday, April 3rd, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Bernice Babb48744874Bernice BabbBernice Babbfixed patron number (orig. 4873)
18990309Thursday, March 9th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Fred Leslie33523352Fred LeslieFred Leslie
18990214Tuesday, February 14th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.A H Gleason48674867A. H. GleasonA. H. Gleason
18990211Saturday, February 11th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Nora McLain42364236Nora McLainNora McLain
18990201Wednesday, February 1st, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Nellie Smith48734873Nellie SmithNellie SmithPatron ID of Bernice Babb//fixed patron number (orig. 4874)
18990123Monday, January 23rd, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Robert Weigel47964796Robt. WeigelRobt. Weigel
18990114Saturday, January 14th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Louis Bloom29702970Louis BloomLouis Bloom
18990109Monday, January 9th, 1899View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Rutledge49474947W RutledgeW Rutledge
18981205Monday, December 5th, 1898View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.John C. Banta31583158John BantaJohn Banta
18981202Friday, December 2nd, 1898View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs J.W. Oxley31043104Mrs. J. W. OxleyMrs. J. W. Oxley
18981112Saturday, November 12th, 1898View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.J.D. Danks48414841J. G. DanksJ. G. DanksNumber 147 written next to patron's name
18981003Monday, October 3rd, 1898View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Dwight Denslow34993499Dwight DenslowDwight Denslow
18980917Saturday, September 17th, 1898View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Lizzie Kuhn16251625Linnie MarshLinnie Marsh
18970222Monday, February 22nd, 1897View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.W. E. Erwin36203620W. E. ErwinW. E. Erwin
18970130Saturday, January 30th, 1897View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Walter Gregory43064306Walter GregoryWalter Gregoryfixed patron number (orig. 4386)
18970123Saturday, January 23rd, 1897View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Frank Taylor46574657Mrs. F. TaylorMrs. F. Taylor
18970113Wednesday, January 13th, 1897View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mary WmSon35813581May WilliamsonMay Williamson
18970106Wednesday, January 6th, 1897View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Hattie Hamilton34373437Harriet HamiltonHarriet Hamilton
18961212Saturday, December 12th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Mathew Edden42504250Mrs. Mathew EdenMrs. Mathew Eden
18961127Friday, November 27th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Clifford Andrews17651765Clifford AndrewsClifford Andrewsfixed borrower's name (orig. "Anderson")
18961027Tuesday, October 27th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Edna Hoover45014501Edna HooverEdna Hoover
18961017Saturday, October 17th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Will Hedrick28082808Willie HedrickWillie Hedrick
18960930Wednesday, September 30th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mr S B. Garrett44464446Mr. M. D. GarrettMr. M. D. Garrettpatron ID of M. D. Garrett
18960903Thursday, September 3rd, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Lloyd Carver41264126Lloyd CarverLloyd Carver
18960715Wednesday, July 15th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alfred Abbott30073007Alfred AbbottAlfred Abbott"-"marked next to patron ID number
18960625Thursday, June 25th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs L Buzby33503350Mrs. L BuzbyMrs. L Buzbytitle denoted by ditto mark
18960518Monday, May 18th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.H F Sarver34503450H. T. SarverH. T. Sarver
18960414Tuesday, April 14th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mr A. Williams44954495Mr. A. WilliamsMr. A. Williams
18960330Monday, March 30th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Jessie Masters33623362Jessie MastersJessie Masters
18960313Friday, March 13th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Anna Shuman31603160Anna ShumanAnna Shuman
18960303Tuesday, March 3rd, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mr I B Saxon33253325I. B. SaxonI. B. Saxon
18960225Tuesday, February 25th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Nellie Spooner33583358Nellie SpoonerNellie Spooner
18960201Saturday, February 1st, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mary Jacobs30293029Mary JacobsMary Jacobs
18960118Saturday, January 18th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Rena McKeag32073207Rena McKeagRena McKeag
18960109Thursday, January 9th, 1896View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs B.F. Barbo27182718Nick MuehlbarkNick Muehlbark
18951221Saturday, December 21st, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Delbert Seldomridge24102410Delbert SeldomridgeDelbert Seldomridge
18951214Saturday, December 14th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Ella Carey31703170Ella CareyElla Carey
18951210Tuesday, December 10th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Ashley Hemingray27982798Ashley HemingrayAshley Hemingray
18951206Friday, December 6th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Howard Dudley41994199Howard DudleyHoward Dudley
18951122Friday, November 22nd, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mr D W Black32843284O. W. BlackO. W. Black
18951017Thursday, October 17th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs May Battreall22842284May BattreallMay Battreall
18950928Saturday, September 28th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mamie Wilson16361636Mamie WilsonMamie Wilson
18950921Saturday, September 21st, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mary Kinert43704370Mary KinertMary Kinertnumbers 73 and 47 noted next to patron name
18950914Saturday, September 14th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs W.G. Dinius45814581Mrs. W. G. DiniusMrs. W. G. Dinius
18950824Saturday, August 24th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Carrie Burt0102102Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews
18950810Saturday, August 10th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Carrie Burt0102102Carrie AndrewsCarrie Andrews
18950722Monday, July 22nd, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs Maggie Ward47114711Mrs. Maggie WardMrs. Maggie Ward
18950706Saturday, July 6th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. W. J. Dinius45814581Mrs. W. G. DiniusMrs. W. G. Dinius
18950618Tuesday, June 18th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. J. C. Leatherman43584358Mrs. J. C. LeathermanMrs. J. C. Leatherman
18950525Saturday, May 25th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Ella Carey31103110Wayman AdamsWayman Adams
18950506Monday, May 6th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Laura Stevens29212921Laura StevensLaura Stevens
18950413Saturday, April 13th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mrs. Flora Foorman31573157Flora FoormanFlora Foorman
18950321Thursday, March 21st, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Mami Ryan45204520Mamie RyanMamie Ryan"50" written after patron name
18950214Thursday, February 14th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Michael Mahoney40644064Michael MahoneyMichael Mahoneyfixed patron number (orig. 4067)
18950123Wednesday, January 23rd, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Lizzie Kuhn16251625Linnie MarshLinnie MarshNumber 26 marked above patron's name
18950114Monday, January 14th, 1895View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Emma Mertin29032903Bertha DupreeBertha Dupree
18941229Saturday, December 29th, 1894View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Volney Payton29352935Volney PaytonVolney Payton
18941226Wednesday, December 26th, 1894View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Adgie Kelly30913091Aggie KellyAggie Kelly
18941212Wednesday, December 12th, 1894View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Lizzie Kuhn16251625Linnie MarshLinnie Marsh
18941127Tuesday, November 27th, 1894View Page086588658Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Alice Lorraine : a tale of the South Downs.Velma Keltner42254225Velma KeltnerVelma Keltner